Officials from both Ukraine and Russia arrived at the Ukraine-Belarus border this morning to begin peace talks. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned that the next 24 hours will be crucial to resolving the conflict without any more violence.
- Zelensky has called for an “immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine”. Ukrainian officials have little confidence that this request will be met with any acceptance by Russian troops.
- Russian forces have fired more than 350 missiles into Ukraine, some making contact with building housing civilians.
- 368,000 Ukrainian refugees have fled the country and are now being housed in Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.
- 4,500 Russian troops have been killed since the violence erupted last week.
Zelensky: “When I planned to become a president, I said that each of us is the president. Because we are all responsible for our state. For our beautiful Ukraine. And now it has happened that each of us is a warrior,”
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