Truck Convoy Threatens To Create Beltway Gridlock

By John Matthews –

WASHINGTON, DC – February 22, 2022

WASHINGTON – (WMAL)  If you find yourself stuck in Beltway traffic gridlock Wednesday afternoon, you can blame – or credit – Bob Bolus.  The Scranton,  Pennsylvania trucking company operator says he’s organizing an effort to jam the Beltway as a protest against COVID restrictions, inflation, and illegal immigration – all of which he blames on the Biden administration.

“When you don’t have your milk, your eggs or your meat,or gas for your vehicles, go over and give Joe Biden a big hug because you voted for him.  And just understand something – you may not agree with us, but we don’t agree with you. That’s what makes us Americans,” Bolus told 7 News. 

Bolus’ plan is to lead a convoy to DC, with a stop along the way in his own state’s capital, Harrisburg.  Once he reaches the Maryland Beltway, he plans to create gridlock on I-495, telling one local TV station he envisions becoming “a giant boa constrictor… that basically squeezes you, chokes you and swallows you.”  Bolus asserts however, that he will cooperate with law enforcement so long as they cooperate with him. 

“I think the police have to understand, we’re peaceful. We’re not coming there to fight with anybody. We’re leaving a lane or so open for emergency vehicles,” he said.

Both Maryland and Virginia State Police say they are working with local law enforcement agencies to respond to the situation as needed.

Wednesday’s event may just be a dress rehearsal for a second convoy that’s planning to head east from California on Wednesday.  “The People’s Convoy” is set to add truck drivers along the way as it heads to DC, with plans to arrive in early March.  Organizer Mike Landis told WMAL’s Vince Coglianese show his group has not decided how it will infiltrate the nation’s capital, and that it does not mean to cause commuters any harm. “But,” he added, “at the end of the day, sometimes a little bit of inconvenience for the greater good is necessary.”

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