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Loudoun County School Board Member Beth Barts announces resignation


WASHINGTON – Leesburg District School Board member Beth Barts has announced her resignation from the Loudoun County School Board.

She made the announcement in a Facebook post and said her time with the board will end on November 2nd.

Barts’ statement is available below:

“This was not an easy decision or a decision made in haste. After much thought and careful consideration, it is the right decision for me and my family.

While serving as the Leesburg representative on the Loudoun County School Board, I was afforded many deeply rewarding opportunities for which I am truly appreciative. I am grateful to have had a role in empowering students to achieve academic and personal success in supportive and most importantly inclusive school environments. I am especially proud to have participated in helping steer the Loudoun County School System through the uncharted waters of educating students throughout a global pandemic.

Though not an easy task, I remained committed to doing what was best for all of Loudoun County Public School students and staff. Since taking office in 2020, I have personally responded to 10,518 emails, attended over one hundred in-person and virtual meetings and logged more phone calls with school personnel and constituents than I can count. I have remained dedicated throughout my tenure to providing the best service to the community that I could. While I look forward to a return to a simpler life of volunteer service, I will miss my office hours and the conversations I had with so many of you in our community. The emails and conversations allowed me to advocate for and facilitate solutions for our local Leesburg families.

Thank you for putting your trust in me. I would like to extend a special thank you to the thousands of Leesburg constituents and others, who have provided unyielding support to me during my School Board term. I am absolutely certain a member of this wonderful community will step forward to be appointed and continue to move LCPS forward. I wish my board colleagues all the best in the future.”

Copyright 2021 by WMAL.com. All Rights Reserved. Photo: Beth Barts Facebook

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