Rep. Mike Johnson, Mollie Hemingway, Ann Coulter, Byron York and Liz Harrington on The Larry O’Connor Show 04.17.2020

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out topics from the program below:

CNN Flooded Zone With Kavanaugh Coverage. Hasn’t Mentioned Biden’s Accuser Once. (The Federalist)

When Christine Blasey Ford accused federal judge Brett Kavanaugh of nearly killing her and trying to rape her when she was in high school, she was unable to provide any evidence that the two had even met. That didn’t stop media outlets from doing everything they could to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s life and keep him from becoming a Supreme Court Justice. When Tara Reade accused her former employer Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her when he was a United States Senator, media outlets buried the news. The Washington Post and New York Times were forced to finally mention it on Easter Sunday, but CNN has enforced a strict block on even mentioning the allegation, much less giving it the kind of coverage Blasey Ford received for her claim. [Read More]

Trump unveils coronavirus guidelines for rolling back social distancing in phases: ‘Next front in our war’ (Fox News)

President Trump announced on Thursday the White House’s plan for eventually rolling back social distancing measures and reopening the country’s economy in several phases — depending on location — amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The plan calls for three phases to reopening the country, based on the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in each individual state or region. [Read More]


The media are outraged that President Trump is talking about re-opening the country, following their previous position that he sure was taking his sweet time at opening up the country.

Fortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s death forecasts from the Wuhan coronavirus have shrunk from 1.7 million Americans in mid-March; to 100,000 to 200,000 two weeks ago, provided there were massive suppression efforts; to — most recently — 60,000.

Every week, it seems, we’re another two weeks away from the “apex.” [Read More]


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