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Mornings on the Mall 09.03.19 / Ken Boone, Dan McHugh, Kerry Picket, Mary Grabar

Mornings on the Mall

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese

Executive Producer: Heather Hunter

 Ken Boone, Dan McHugh, Kerry Picket, Mary Grabar joined WMAL on Tuesday morning!


5am – A/B/C Why arguing with your wife is futile! Women remember specifics like ‘who said what’ and ‘where missing objects are’ better than men, research reveals. (Daily Mail) — Women have better recall when it comes to remembering specifics, according to new research. Females apparently have the edge when it comes to remembering features of a conversation or where missing objects might be because they fare better with episodic memory. Episodic memory is the ability to recall autobiographical events such as what happened last week or whether the cat was fed this morning. As one of the most sensitive memory systems it can be impacted by lack of sleep, depression or aging. The research also indicates women are better at remembering faces and recalling sensory memories such as smells. Martin Asperholm, lead study author with the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, said: ‘The results show that there is a slight female advantage in episodic memory and that advantage varies depending on which materials are to be remembered.’ The research group based their findings on 617 studies that were conducted between 1973 and 2013 and included more than 1.2 million participants. But researchers say that memories come in many forms and men do actually have the advantage sometimes. For instance, a male is more likely to be able to find his way back to the car because they are good at remembering information involving spatial processing. The researchers concluded that the cognitive differences between men and women are small but hoped that their mega-study will raise new questions about memory and gender. 

5am – D         WJLA’s KEVIN LEWIS: NEW: A random road rage shooting in Germantown, Md. has left a woman paralyzed and the nephew of Washington Wizards point guard John Wall in jail. 28yo D’Andre Wall faces two counts of attempted murder from the Aug. 8 incident. He could spend the rest of his life in prison.

5am – E         Interview – KEN BOONE – Weather Channel – discussed the path of the hurricane.

  • Hurricane a Category 3 storm, pounds Bahamas, shows signs of northward move. (Fox News) – Hurricane Dorian, the unpredictable monster of a storm that has pummeled parts of the Bahamas for the past 24 hours, has been downgraded to a Category 3 storm as it remains in a standstill near Grand Bahama. The National Hurricane Center said in a news release at 5 a.m. ET, that the storm is continuing to produce wind gusts of up to 150 mph and a storm surge of 18 feet. The storm’s current movement is considered stationary.
  • Virginia Gov. Northam declares state of emergency ahead of Hurricane Dorian. RICHMOND, Va. (FOX 5 DC) – Virginia Governor Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency Monday in advance of Hurricane Dorian. The storm is anticipated to impact parts of southeastern Virginia on Thursday.  “Hurricane Dorian is a serious storm, and current predictions indicate that it may affect parts of Virginia. I am declaring a state of emergency to ensure that localities and communities have the appropriate level of assistance, and to coordinate the Commonwealth’s response to any potential impacts from Hurricane Dorian. I encourage Virginians to take all necessary precautions to make sure they are prepared as well,” said Northam.
  • Dorian isn’t moving because the upper atmosphere is too calm. MIAMI (AP) – Powerful Hurricane Dorian has been going nowhere because nothing high up is making it budge. It may sound strange when talking about a storm that once had 185 mph winds, but it’s actually been too calm high in the atmosphere. While this has been horrible for the Bahamas, where the storm’s pounding has been relentless, it may help spare Florida a bit, meteorologists said.


6am – A         Bernie Sanders teases plan to eliminate billions in medical debt.

(By Annie Grayer, CNN) Sen. Bernie Sanders announced late Friday that he plans to eliminate billions in medical debt, hinting at a proposal the 2020 presidential Democratic candidate’s campaign has yet to release in full. The plan, which the Sanders campaign says would cancel $81 billion in existing past-due medical debt and make changes to the 2005 bankruptcy bill, is not expected to be released in its entirety for another month. The proposal — which is still in the works, separate from the senator’s “Medicare for All” plan and meant to address debt under the current system — does not explicitly state how Sanders will eliminate medical debt, but says, “under this plan, the federal government will negotiate and pay off past-due medical bills in collection that have been reported to credit agencies.” Sanders’ announcement came during a health care-focused town hall in Florence, South Carolina, in response to a question from an audience member on how he would address the issue. The campaign was still developing details of the plan when Sanders hinted at its release Friday night, but released an outline Saturday after the Vermont senator was asked about the issue directly. A woman at the town hall stood up and asked, “Is there anything in your plan that would actually work for people that are drowning right now for their medical debt?” “We’re looking at that right now,” Sanders responded. “In another piece of legislation that we’re going to be offering we will eliminate medical debt in this country. I mean, just stop and think for a second. Why should people be placed in financial duress? For what crime did you commit? You got a serious illness? That is not what this country should be about.” Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir told CNN on Friday that “Sen. Sanders had previously asked us to pull together a plan to finally end the crisis of medical debt, and when asked directly about it tonight he was honest and candid in previewing his thinking on this important matter.” The one-page overview cites medical debt as “the leading cause of consumer bankruptcy,” and states: “We are sick and tired of seeing 530,000 Americans declare bankruptcy each year because they cannot pay off the outrageous cost of a medical emergency or a hospital stay.””In the wealthiest country in the history of the world, 42 percent of Americans should  not be losing their entire life savings two years after being diagnosed with cancer,” the outline continues.

6am – B/C     Ted Cruz, Alyssa Milano trade barbs on Bible, ‘God-given’ gun rights. (Fox News) — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, took actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano to task over her faith-based question about the Bible and the Second Amendment. On Sunday, Milano responded to Republican Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer’s tweet that he was “NOT going to use the evil acts of a handful of people to diminish the God-given rights of my fellow Texans. Period. None of these so-called gun-control solutions will work to stop a person with evil intent” following a shooting rampage in Odessa that killed seven and injured at least 22. “Can someone cite which passage of the Bible God states it is a god-given right to own a gun?” Milano asked in a tweet, accusing the Texas politician of being “unbelievable and clearly owned by the gun lobby.”

  • Alyssa Milano @Alyssa_Milano  Can someone cite which passage of the Bible God states it is a god-given right to own a gun? This guy is unbelievable and is clearly owned by the gun lobby. #NoRA

Cruz responded, telling the anti-gun activist, it was an “excellent” question, “worth considering [without] the snark of Twitter,” before citing a few examples from the Bible.

“It is of course not the right to a modern-day firearm that is God-give [sic] but rather the right to Life & the right to Liberty. Essential to that right to life is the right to DEFEND your life & your family,” the Texas conservative began. “The right to self-defense is recognized repeatedly in the Bible,” Cruz wrote, for example, “Exodus 22:2: ‘If a thief is caught breaking in at night & is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed.’ (Note, though, verse 3 says it IS murder if during daylight (ie, not self-defense).”

  • Ted Cruz @tedcruz Sep 1, 2019  An excellent Q, worth considering carefully w/o the snark of Twitter. It is of course not the right to a modern-day firearm that is God-give but rather the right to Life & the right to Liberty. Essential to that right to life is the right to DEFEND your life & your family. 1/x
  • Ted Cruz @tedcruz 2/x The right to self-defense is recognized repeatedly in the Bible, eg Exodus 22:2: “If a thief is caught breaking in at night & is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed.” (Note, though, verse 3 says it IS murder if during daylight (ie, not self-defense). 7:58 PM – Sep 1, 2019
  • Ted Cruz @tedcruz  · Sep 1, 2019 Replying to @tedcruz 3/x The Declaration of Independence acknowledges our rights thusly: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
  • Ted Cruz @tedcruz 4/x And, for that reason, the Second Amendment provides “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT be infringed.” It wasn’t to protect people’s ability to hunt, or to shoot target practice, but to defend their lives, their homes & their families.

Pointing to the “unalienable rights” of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” within the Declaration of Independence, Cruz says it is “for that reason, the Second Amendment provides ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT be infringed.'”

“We can live-stream the meeting so the American people can hear your bullsh*t 1st hand,” she said, adding she’d like to talk about 1 Peter 4:8, which says: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

6am – D         BIDEN’S PROBLEMS:

  • THE WEEK: Biden’s Brain Is This Cycle’s ‘Emails’ Problem… Lingering questions… If Biden is the nominee, I can all but guarantee that this will be one of the biggest two or three stories of the campaign. He will keep comically screwing up, Trump’s campaign and supporters will pounce on and amplify it every time, and political reporters will make it a major focus of coverage. Indeed, they’re doing it now — speaking of his verbal confusion as a “real political risk” and discussing how it is “providing new openings for critics[.] It’s already a punchline. Biden’s campaign, meanwhile, will be repeatedly wrong-footed and frustrated as its policy ideas and attacks on Trump get lost in the ocean of Brain Stories. I know this because it’s exactly what happened to Hillary Clinton with Her Emails — a damaging story that kept getting dribbled out for months and months, with every fresh droplet of news getting saturation coverage. It was probably the most-covered single story of the entire campaign, and did tremendous damage to Clinton’s campaign.
  • Biden Goes Extreme On Guns, Calls For Ban On All Magazines, Rips Texas For Allowing Worshipers To Defend Themselves
  • Biden: ‘Absolutely mindless’ we haven’t banned ‘magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them’
  • FLASHBACK: Biden saying the “number of clips in a gun”??
  • Joe Biden appears to forget Barack Obama’s name – President … My Boss’: Biden Appears To Forget Obama’s Name

6am – E         STRIPPER ROBOTS? Gyrating ROBOTS debut at French pole dancing club, with the androids performing alongside human counterparts. A French pole. dancing club has caused a stir after exhibiting gyrating robots. ‘Stripper robots’ had cameras for heads & performed alongside female dancers. (Daily Mail) – A French nightclub has caused a stir after it exhibited pole-dancing robots donning high heels. The gyrating robots had CCTV cameras for heads and were interspersed among their human counterparts at the Strip Club Cafe (SC-Club) in Nantes on Friday night.  The androids moved their hips in time to the blasting music while on elevated platforms, in front of a male-dominated audience.  The robotic ‘strippers’ were assembled using parts from plastic mannequins and metal vehicle scraps. Their official launch will take place at the venue on Tuesday evening, where they will perform for one month alongside the 10 other dancers who work there.  British artist Giles Walker is the mastermind behind the unorthodox concept, explaining that the camera heads were intended to play with the idea of voyeurism.

6am – F         KEVIN HART UPDATE:

  • Kevin Hart’s condition revealed after horrific car accident. (Fox News) – Kevin Hart’s wife, Eniko, gave an update on the star’s condition following a car accident over the weekend that left him hospitalized with a back injury. The “Jumanji” star, 40, suffered a “major back injury” according to a California Highway Patrol collision report after his 1970 Plymouth Barracuda drove off Mulholland Highway and rolled down an embankment Sunday night. Hart was in the passenger seat at the time. The driver, 31-year-old Rebecca Broxterman, was determined not to have been intoxicated at the time of the collision. TMZ reporters caught up with Hart’s wife after she appeared to have gone on a coffee run at the hospital.
  • Kevin Hart reportedly able to walk after a serious car crash. Actor Kevin Hart is allegedly able to walk despite suffering “major back injuries” in a terrifying car crash, and doctors are “optimistic” that he will make a full recovery, according to a report. The 40-year-old funnyman is still in a Los Angeles hospital where he is still undergoing tests to see if he will need surgery, his associates told The Blast. His “major” injuries are not spinal cord problems and the star is already “able to walk and move his extremities,” people associated with Hart claimed to the site. While he may need surgery, doctors are “optimistic he will make a full recovery,” the outlet reported. Hart was in one of his beloved classic cars — an electric blue 1970 Plymouth Barracuda he called Menace — when it crashed through a wooden fence off Mulholland Highway in Malibu Hills and plunged down a gully around 1 a.m. Sunday. The impact crushed the roof of the vehicle, which Hart bought in July as a birthday present to himself. Hart’s friend Jared Black, 28, was behind the wheel at the time of the crash, according to Radar Online.

7am – A/B/C Interview – DAN MCHUGH – Montgomery County Watch 360 – shared the history of sanctuary policies in Maryland and particularly Montgomery County.

  • In October of 2010 then-Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley declared when it came to illegal immigration, Maryland was open for business when he said ” “There is this nativism rising up and this desire to blame new Americans for the problems in our economy,” O’Malley said. O’Malley repeatedly used the term “new Americans” as a euphemism for illegal aliens. (via Dan McHugh)
  • Montgomery County Public Schools: In October of 2016 it was reported that Montgomery County Public School’s has gone through significant demographic shifts, that now 30% of the student population is now Hispanic. In September of 2016 MCPS rolled out a new curriculum that it was getting rid of Final Exam’s in high school, and implementing a new grading system to make it easier to pass. In 2018 2 years with these new lower standards in place it was reported MCPS now has massive grade inflation.  (via Dan McHugh)
  • In 2017 Montgomery County’s State’s Attorney John McCarthy testified in front of the County Council and said that Gang Violence in Montgomery County had increased to, and he was very alarmed about this. In 2017 he said this “Montgomery County’s State’s Attorney John McCarthy has said MS-13 has been implicated in up to 18 murders over the past two years in Montgomery County.”  This lead in October of 2017 Montgomery County Diverted nearly $1 Million Dollars in the MCPD to form a Special Gang Task Force Unit to deal with this problem.  (via Dan McHugh)
  • Even with 2 significant tax Increases in Montgomery County in 2016 it was reported Montgomery County was facing a $120 Million Dollar budget shortfall in December of 2017. Despite 2 Tax Increases, and a report in March of 2018 that Montgomery County’s Population has Increased. (via Dan McHugh)
  • AUGUST 2019: Montgomery County Police have arrested at least seven undocumented immigrants on rape and other sex-related charges in the last six weeks. The seven male suspects – all natives of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras – are accused of targeting females as young as 11-years-old. Six of the suspects knew their victim. One attack, a rape near downtown Silver Spring, was random.

7am – D         Interview – KERRY PICKET – senior campaign reporter for The Washington Examiner — discussed the 2020 candidates reacting to TX shooting with gun control rhetoric, particularly Biden and Beto.

  • Biden: ‘Absolutely mindless’ we haven’t banned ‘magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them’
  • Flashback: Biden flubs gun term: ‘Who needs a clip that can hold 100 rounds?’
  • Flashback: Biden saying the “number of clips in a gun”
  • Biden: ‘No compromise’ with Republicans on gun control

7am – E         ONE GUY HAS IT ALL FIGURED OUT ON HURRICANES: From a mobile home park in Palm Bay, this man has some ideas on how the military could stop hurricanes. #HurricaneDorian

8am – A         Interview – MARY GRABAR – author of “Debunking Howard Zinn”

  • It’s back to school, which means it’s time for children across American to crack open their 40-year-old textbook by Marxist Howard Zinn which informs the rhetoric of democratic socialists.  Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States has been indoctrinating children all over the United States for years and what do we have to show for it? Socialist lawmakers like AOC. Scholar and resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, Mary Grabar, exposes the leftist, anti-American agenda in Zinn’s textbook and reveals the truth about this dangerous ideology in her upcoming book, Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America (launching August 20, 2019).
    • People who learned Zinn’s teachings in the ‘80s and ‘90s are now becoming our legislators of today running on socialist platforms. (Hint: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez describes herself as a democratic socialist—just like Zinn.)—article by Mary Grabar
    • Zinn’s textbook inspired Antifa bombing attempt—The Federalist article by Mary Grabar
    • Zinn teaches, “There is not a country in world history in which racism has been more important, for so long a time, as the United States” and because of Zinn’s teachings, 58% of Americans wrongly believe that race relations in the United States are bad and nearly impossible to improve
    • Since September 2018, 84,000 teachers have downloaded lessons from the Zinn Education Project and since 1980 2.5 million copies of A People’s History of the United States have been sold
  • ABOUT THE AUTHOR: MARY GRABAR is a resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, founder of the Dissident Professor Education Project, taught at the college level for 20 years, has been published by the Federalist, American Greatness, City Journal, Townhall, and Academic Questions


  • John O’Hurley says he’s embarrassed for Debra Messing, Eric McCormack for their call to shame Trump donors.
  •  Debra Messing demanded a Hollywood trade magazine publish a list of Trump supporters who attend this month’s re-election campaign fundraiser in LA.  As the White House prepared a government-wide response to Hurricane Dorian and tried to avoid public discussion of a mass-shooting in Texas, Donald Trump succumbed to a distraction on Sunday by Twitter-venting at actress Debra Messing for trying to blacklist the quiet ranks of his Hollywood supporters.  Messing, 51, of the gay-themed TV comedy ‘Will & Grace,’ and her Canadian-born co-star Eric MacCormack, 56, both tweeted this weekend about Trump’s planned September 17 Los Angeles fundraiser. ‘Please print a list of all attendees please. The public has a right to know,’ she tweeted Saturday, responding to a Hollywood Reporter story about the president’s upcoming West coast political swing.  McCormack had already asked the trade magazine to ‘[k]indly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx.’
  • Trump slaps at ‘Will & Grace’ star Debra Messing over call for blacklist of his Hollywood backers despite packed day preparing for massive hurricane and responding to mass-shooting. Trump rips into Will & Grace star Debra Messing and ‘NBC’s failed line-up’ for calling for his Hollywood supporters to be blacklisted – despite his packed day preparing for the monster hurricane and responding to the Odessa shooting: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump I have not forgotten that when it was announced that I was going to do The Apprentice, and when it then became a big hit, helping NBC’s failed lineup greatly, @DebraMessing came up to me at an Upfront & profusely thanked me, even calling me “Sir.” How times have changed!
  • ‘Will & Grace’ star Eric McCormack slammed after calling for blacklisting of Trump donors in Hollywood. (Fox News) —  “Will & Grace” star Eric McCormack drew comparisons to the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy on Friday after calling for the boycotting of those in Hollywood who attend an upcoming California fundraiser for President Trump. Canadian-born McCormack, 56, said he wants the Trump donors’ names revealed so “the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with.” Trump plans to attend the Sept. 17 fundraiser in Beverly Hills during a trip to California that will also include visits to the San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego, The Hollywood Reporter wrote Thursday. Tickets for the Beverly Hills event, scheduled during the week of the Emmy Awards, will reportedly start at $1,000, with packages for couples costing as much as $100,000. Hosts for the event will reportedly be Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, RNC co-chairman Tommy Hicks Jr., Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale and Trump Victory finance chairman Todd Ricketts. In a Twitter message on Friday, McCormack asked that the Hollywood Reporter name names when it comes to fundraiser attendees. “Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event,” he wrote, “so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t want to worrk with. Thx.”

8am – D         Justin Bieber Talks Drugs, Depression and “Abused” Relationships in Contrite Social Post. (Hollywood Reporter) – “By 20 I made every bad decision you could have thought of and went from one of the most loved and adored people in the world to the most ridiculed, judged and hated person in the world,” the singer wrote in a heartfelt message Monday. Justin Bieber is sorry. Sorry for all the naughty behavior and for all the “bad decisions.” He’s sorry for hitting the drugs and messing up his relationships. He’s sorry for a lot of it, but he’s not sorry for turning his life around.  The Canadian pop star lets it all out in an Instagram post in which he discusses his difficult journey as a child star from a small town to flying high as a young superstar making millions and mucking up in a huge way. There’s a lot to unpack. Bieber, a devout Christian, opens his affirmation with a frank admission of depression. “It’s hard to get out of bed in the morning…when it feels like there’s trouble after trouble after trouble,” he writes. “You start foreseeing the day through lenses of ‘dread’ and anticipate another bad day. A cycle of feeling disappointment after disappointment. Sometimes it can even get to the point where you don’t even want to live anymore. Where you feel like it’s never going to change.” Well, change it did. Biebs walks us through the “quite unexplainable” pressure placed at the feet of a celebrity from an unstable home who grows up in public and goes on to become rich and ridiculously famous.  At 18, with “no skills in the real world,” millions in the bank and “access to whatever you wanted,” Bieber hit the slippery slope. “By 20 I made every bad decision you could have thought of and went from one of the most loved and adored people in the world to the most ridiculed, judged and hated person in the world.”




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