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Salena Zito, Hogan Gidley, Ben Shapiro, Julie Kelly & John Lott on The Larry O’Connor Show 08.07.19

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out topics from the program below:

The men who pave Michigan’s roads don’t like either choice in 2020 (Washington Examiner)

Just past 7:00 in the morning, a dozen or so men pull up onto the gravel shoulder along Business 196. They get out of their cars and trucks, slip on their reflective neon yellow vests, and hoist signs over their shoulders.

They’re going on strike.

Their target is Rieth-Riley, the construction company where, on any other day, they would be pulling into for work. [Read More]

Trump administration planning to bring over 400 more unaccompanied minors to Virginia shelter (FOX 5 DC)

The Trump administration is planning to bring more unaccompanied minors into Northern Virginia. The General Services Administration posted a formal solicitation for space it’s calling a “Virginia Unaccompanied Alien Children Shelter.”

The facility in Northern Virginia will be used to house 440 children and will include medical and dining areas along with classrooms and two acres of outdoor recreational space. [Read More]

What’s Really Behind the ‘White Supremacy’ Terrorism Scare (American Greatness)

The anti-Trump forces, now stripped of their Russian collusion ammunition, have invented another imaginary threat they hope to weaponize against the president: The public menace posed by “white supremacist” terrorism.

Much like the collusion conspiracy theory—which relied on random incidents, fictional villains, unconvincing evidence, and the Bad Orange Man in the White House—there is little substance to this purported danger. [Read More]

At Townhall.com: Here’s Something You Won’t Hear About on the Shootings (Townhall)

Here is something that you won’t hear on the news. The Dayton mass shooter who left nine people dead and some 27 people injured was a registered Democrat, a self-described “leftist” who hated Donald Trump, and a strong proponent of more gun control.

If you believe the media, the murderer from the El Paso Walmart killer to the New Zealand Mosque shooter were right-wingers. [Read More]

Ask Andrew W.K.: My Dad Is a Right-Wing Asshole (Village Voice)

Hi Andrew,

I’m writing because I just can’t deal with my father anymore. He’s a 65-year-old super right-wing conservative who has basically turned into a total asshole intent on ruining our relationship and our planet with his politics. I’m more or less a liberal democrat with very progressive values and I know that people like my dad are going to destroy us all. I don’t have any good times with him anymore. All we do is argue. When I try to spend time with him without talking politics or discussing any current events, there’s still an underlying tension that makes it really uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong, I love him no matter what, but how do I explain to him that his politics are turning him into a monster, destroying the environment, and pushing away the people who care about him? [Read More]



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