Montgomery County’s Second-Longest Serving Police Chief Retires After 15 Years

Juan Herrera

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger announced today that he would be retiring in April after 15 years of service in the county.

Manger was sworn in on Jan. 30, 2004, and he is the 16th police chief in the county police department’s 97-year history. He has been in law enforcement for 42 years and he is also the county’s second longest-serving police chief.

Manger has also been involved with the Major Cities Chiefs Association. He recently completed his fourth year as president of the association.

“It has been an honor to serve the public for the past 42 years,” Manger said in a Montgomery County Police Department press release. “I have been blessed throughout my career to work alongside some of the finest men and women to ever wear a badge.”

Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved. (Photo: Montgomery County Police Department)

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