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Juanita Broaddrick, Amy Kremer & Phil Kerpen on The Larry O’Connor Show 09.26.18

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out topics from the program below:

DC restaurant: Cruz, wife returned to finish meal after protests (The Hill)

The Washington, D.C., restaurant where Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) and his wife, Heidi Cruz, were confronted by protesters says that the couple returned shortly after leaving the establishment Monday evening, and finished their meal in peace.

The owner of Fiola said in a statement obtained by CNN’s Kate Bennett that the restaurant “welcomes all patrons,” adding that the situation was resolved and Cruz and his wife returned “a few minutes” after the altercation began.

“Per our policy for events of this nature, police were called and the guest escorted to privacy,” owner and chef Fabio Trabocchi said.

“When the situation resolved a few minutes later, our guests returned to thank the staff for their support and to finish their exceptional meal,” he added. [Read More]

Trump Defends Handling of Kavanaugh Allegations: ‘Republicans Could Not be Nicer’ (Mediaite)

Answering questions while arriving at the United Nations this morning, President Donald Trump said that Senate Republicans could not be nicer in the way they are handling the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and accusations.

The question from a reporter among the press gathered was “what is your thoughts on the woman questioning Kavanaugh’s accuser tomorrow?”

“Well, I think the Senate, the Republicans could not be nicer in the way they are handling this,” Trump replied. “They could have pushed it through two and a half weeks ago and you wouldn’t be talking about it right now, which is frankly what I would have preferred. But they didn’t do that.” [Read More]

Why the Kavanaugh Smears Validate Trumpian Politics (National Review)

The attempted political assassination of Brett Kavanaugh is bad for the country, but good for a Trumpian attitude toward American politics.

The last-minute ambush validates key assumptions of Donald Trump’s supporters that fueled his rise and buttress him in office, no matter how rocky the ride has been or will become. At least three premises have been underlined by the tawdry events of the past couple of weeks.

First, that good character is no defense. If you are John McCain, who genuinely tried to do the right thing and carefully cultivated a relationship with the media over decades, they will still call you a racist when you run against Barack Obama. [Read More]

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