LISTEN: SBA List’s MARJORIE DANNENFELSER: Chelsea Clinton’s View Of The Economic Benefits Of Abortion Is ‘Cold.’ Children Are Pro-Growth And An Economic Safety Net.

INTERVIEW – Marjorie Dannenfelser – President of the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a prolife organization that seeks to advance pro-life women in politics – discussed NARAL’s gross new ice cream theme, Chelsea Clinton on the economic benefits of abortion and SBA List’s efforts to help confirm Kavanaugh.

  • NARAL affiliate partners with local ice cream company to create “custom flavor” celebrating abortion. Pro-abortion Portland residents can now enjoy a brand-new custom, abortion-themed flavor of ice cream, “Rocky Roe v. Wade” at a series of NARAL-sponsored ice cream socials designed to foment “resistance” to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon has partnered with What’s The Scoop, a Portland area ice-cream parlor, to create the custom abortion-flavored ice cream.
  • Chelsea Clinton Now Claims She Never Said Aborting 60 Million Babies Was Good for the Economy.  Chelsea Clinton is trying to back away from her comment that abortions led to a $3.5 trillion boost to the economy. Tapping into the popular “abortion is economic justice” claims of the abortion industry, Clinton argued at a pro-abortion rally that America made huge economic gains because of Roe v. Wade and the 60 million unborn babies’ abortion deaths that resulted from it.
  • Chelsea Clinton says she has not ruled out running for office. Chelsea Clinton has said she has not ruled out running for office one day, describing a move into politics as a “definite no now” but a “definite maybe” in the future.
  • KAVANAUGH: It’s Kavanaugh’s last week of meetings… Confirmation hearing begins September 4. Kavanaugh is expected to meet this week with Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, the ranking member of Senate Judiciary Dianne Feinstein, key red state Democrat Claire McCaskill, moderate Republicans Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, plus other Democratic senators serving on the Judiciary Committee.
  • SBA List efforts for Kavanaugh/2018 Midterms: Anti-abortion group to launch tour pressing red-state Dems to vote for Kavanaugh (The Hill // 08/03/18 02:14 PM EDT) — A leading anti-abortion group is launching a tour to press red-state Democratic senators to vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List tour, beginning Monday, will feature 26 press conferences across Indiana, North Dakota, Missouri, Florida, Alabama, Montana and West Virginia. The events will include local anti-abortion activists alongside SBA List leaders, the group said.

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