Heather Curtis
WASHINGTON (WMAL) – A string of armed robberies by MS-13 members in 2017 shows just how much of a threat the gang poses to the community according to Montgomery County Prosecutors.
Two victims of these armed robberies – at Delgado Eatery and Ofbest Wireless in Silver Spring and the Exxon gas station on Veirs Mill Road in Wheaton – told the court they haven’t been able to sleep after masked MS-13 members barged into their businesses, pointed guns at them and demanded money.
“These are attacks in the middle of the day in busy sections of our county, and it proves that it’s not just gang members beating up or violating other gang members, it’s everyday people,” said Ramon Korionoff, spokesperson for the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office.
Thursday MS-13 member Josselin Ramirez – an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, was sentenced to 95 years in prison for casing out the businesses before her fellow gang members robbed them at gunpoint.
Last week Ramirez pleaded guilty to six counts of armed robbery and gang participation just before closing arguments in her trial.
Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge John Maloney said he will reconsider Ramirez’s sentence in five years and possibly lower it if she severs ties with the gang and cleans up her life.
Ramirez also told police she murdered two people in El Salvador. There is a detainer out to deport her, but Korionoff said that won’t happen until she serves her time in Montgomery County.
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