Mornings on the Mall 07.03.18

Economist and University of Maryland business professor Peter Morici, Mount Vernon’s senior vice president for visitor engagement Rob Shenk, White House director of strategic communications Mercedes Schlapp, and Virginia’s republican nominee for U.S. Senate Corey Stewart joined WMAL on Tuesday!

Mornings on the Mall

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese

Executive Producer: Heather Hunter


5am – A/B/C Immigrant children born in Danish ‘ghettos’ will be separated from their families from the age of ONE for 25 hours a week to teach them ‘Danish values’ and the language (Daily Mail) – Migrant parents living in ‘ghettos’ in Denmark will be forced to send their children to classes on the country’s values from the age of one under a new government scheme.  The infants, largely from low income or heavily Muslim populated areas which the government has called ‘ghettos’, will undergo lessons in religious holidays and learn the Danish language.  The ‘harsh’ new laws will target immigrant neighborhoods who do not willingly merge into Danish society, the New York Times reports.

5am – D Trump says he’s met 4 Supreme Court justice candidates (ABC News) – President Donald Trump said he interviewed four Supreme Court candidates on Monday to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, telling reporters he would be making a decision in the coming days.  “I interviewed and met with four potential justices of our great Supreme Court. They are outstanding people they are really incredible people in so many different ways. Academically, in every way,” Trump said.  While he would not say who he spoke with today, Trump said he plans to meet with two or three more candidates and intends to make a decision over the next few days, before next Monday’s announcement.

5am – E Ex-Dem IT aide Imran Awan poised for plea deal, after months of mysterious delays (Fox News) – Imran Awan, the former IT aide to congressional Democrats whose federal court case has drawn the interest of President Trump, is poised to strike a plea deal with prosecutors, court filings indicate.  A Tuesday filing said a plea agreement hearing for Awan and his wife Hina Alvi has been set for July 3 before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan in Washington.  The filing did not reveal any details about the terms of the apparent agreement. But in court documents last month, prosecutors hinted that a deal could be in the works.

6am – A INTERVIEW – Peter Morici – economist and University of Maryland business professor – discussed tariffs and the rise of democratic-socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez           

6am – B/C Michael Cohen says family and country, not President Trump, is his ‘first loyalty’ (ABC News) – Michael Cohen — President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney and a former executive vice president at the Trump Organization — has always insisted he would remain loyal to the president.          He was the fix-it guy, the pit bull so fiercely protective of his boss that he’d once described himself as “the guy who would take a bullet” for the president.  But in his first in-depth interview since the FBI raided his office and homes in April, Cohen strongly signaled his willingness to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York — even if that puts President Trump in jeopardy.

6am – D/E Study reveals what type of a man women want. Feminists won’t be happy. (The Smokeroom) – A new study conducted by scientists in the U.K. shows some pretty saucy findings on the topic of women’s attraction to men.  According to the study, women are more attracted to men who demonstrate “benevolent sexism” in relationships than those who do not.  The Daily Mail reported the following:  Benevolent means well-meaning or kind, and experts define the sexism as men who, for example, think women are more delicate or should be cherished or looked after by a man.  This is different to hostile sexism in which women are degraded, such as saying a woman’s place is in the kitchen…The researchers’ tests found women are more attracted to men who have benevolent sexist attitudes or actions than they are to men who treat them as equals or don’t give them special treatment.

6am – F Brian Ross out at ABC News months after botched report on Donald Trump, Russia tanked stock market (Fox News) – Beleaguered chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross is leaving ABC News seven months after he botched an “exclusive” report on Donald Trump and Russia that sent the stock market tumbling.  News President James Goldston announced to staffers on Monday that Ross, and his longtime producer Rhonda Schwartz, have “decided to leave the company” in a memo that was obtained by Fox News.  “In their long careers here, Brian, Rhonda and their team have been recognized with nearly every prestigious award in our business – an impressive tally of four George Polk awards, four Peabody awards, four duPonts, five Murrows, 17 News and Documentary Emmys and the Harvard Goldsmith Prize, in 2014, for the single best investigative report in print or broadcast,” Goldston wrote.

7am – A INTERVIEW – Rob Shenk – Mount Vernon’s senior vice president for visitor engagement – discussed events at Mount Vernon for July 4th

7am – B/C INTERVIEW – Mercedes Schlapp – White House Director of Strategic Communications – discussed White House’s plans for July 4th

7am – D A white woman called police on a black 12-year-old for mowing grass (Washington Post) – A white woman called the police on Reggie Fields, a black 12-year-old, for mowing the lawn in Maple Heights, Ohio. (News 5 Cleveland)  It’s a business that has existed for as long as there have been summer vacations and borrowed lawn mowers: A pint-size entrepreneur offers to endure the rage of a summer sun on a neighbor’s behalf, pushing a lawn mower across high grass for a small fee.          

7am – E Rand Paul says man arrested for threatening to kill him and ‘chop up’ family with an axe (Fox News) – Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul tweeted his thanks on Monday to the U.S. Capitol Police for arresting a man who allegedly threatened to kill the Republican lawmaker and chop up his family with an ax.  “Thank you to the U.S. Capitol Police for their arrest of the man who recently threatened to kill my family and me,” Paul tweeted.  While the U.S. Capitol Police told Fox News they do not comment on open investigations, Paul was more forthcoming about the threats against him and his family.

8am – A Scott Pruitt becomes latest Trump official to be harassed at a restaurant (New York Post) – Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt became the most recent Trump administration figure to get an earful while trying to get a mouthful at a DC restaurant, according to a Facebook posting Monday.  Teacher Kristin Mink was shown approaching Pruitt as he chowed down with a pal at the Teaism restaurant Monday, four blocks from his office at the EPA’s headquarters.  “I just wanted to urge you to resign, because of what you’re doing to the environment in our country,” Mink said, holding her two-year-old son and a notepad, as her husband recorded the encounter.

8am – B/C INTERVIEW – Corey Stewart – Virginia’s Republican nominees for U.S. Senate – discussed his campaign against Senator Tim Kaine and protests against ICE          

8am – D Immigrant children born in Danish ‘ghettos’ will be separated from their families from the age of ONE for 25 hours a week to teach them ‘Danish values’ and the language (Daily Mail) – Migrant parents living in ‘ghettos’ in Denmark will be forced to send their children to classes on the country’s values from the age of one under a new government scheme.  The infants, largely from low income or heavily Muslim populated areas which the government has called ‘ghettos’, will undergo lessons in religious holidays and learn the Danish language.  The ‘harsh’ new laws will target immigrant neighborhoods who do not willingly merge into Danish society, the New York Times reports.

8am – E #WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party (PJ Media) – A new grassroots movement is urging Democrats who are fed up with the ugly direction the party has taken in recent years — especially since President Trump was elected — to “walk away.”  The #WalkAway campaign is “dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become,” the group’s Facebook page states.




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