Gov. Larry Hogan, Eric Bolling, Dennis Miller, Luke Rosiak & Michael Walsh on The Larry O’Connor Show 07.03.18

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out Larry’s interviews and topics below:


Governor Larry Hogan discuss his plans for Maryland and tragic Capital Gazette Shooting (WJLA)

President Donald Trump is now approving a request from Annapolis mayor to lower flags on federal buildings to honor the shooting victims at the Capital Gazette. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan ordered Maryland state flags to be lowered over the weekend and he joined us live this morning to talk about the tragic shooting and his incentives for Maryland residents. [Read More]

Eric Bolling Is Back: An Exclusive First Look at His New Show ‘AMericA’ (The Daily Signal)

CRTV’s Eric Bolling gave The Daily Signal an exclusive first look at the set of his new show “AMericA.”

Formerly with the Fox News Channel, Bolling is back, and now he’s pursuing the type of show he’s wanted to do for years: a casual, engaging show, taped at the Washington Court Hotel’s lobby bar.

He will interview government officials from the Trump administration, as well as other policymakers and influential political figures, then take the conversation to people watching in the hotel to get their opinions on the policy discussions occurring in America. [Read More]

New York Times reporter to be transferred amid leak case (The Hill)

The New York Times is reassigning a reporter at the center of a controversial leak investigation whose phone records were seized by federal prosecutors.

Ali Watkins, 26, will be transferred to the newspaper’s main office in New York City, where she will be given a new beat and a mentor, the Times reported on Tuesday.

The Times began an internal review of Watkins after it learned of her three-year relationship with James Wolfe, 57, an aide on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Watkins covered the intelligence beat for the Times and had previously covered it for other news organizations. [Read More]

Why a teacher carried her 2-year-old up to Scott Pruitt’s restaurant table and asked him to resign (The Washington Post)

We can only speculate what Scott Pruitt thinks about when he eats lunch. But he looked relaxed at his table at Teaism on Monday afternoon — exactly 500 days into his directorship of the Environmental Protection Agency; five days after the agency’s top ethics official recommended widening an investigation into accusations that he misused his power; about five hours before The Washington Post reported that Pruitt once asked a subordinate to help find his wife a job; and less than five minutes before Kristin Mink wiped a smile off his face.

A few tables from the EPA administrator, Mink was wrangling her 2-year-old into his seat while she waited for her pancake to arrive from the kitchen. [Read More]

Frumpy Middle-aged Mom: Can you please, please just be quiet? No one wants to hear your blather (The Orange County Register)

When did it become impossible to find a little quiet?

Nowadays, it seems like you simply cannot go anywhere without being forced to listen to strangers blathering on about nothing.

Recently, I was in the hot tub at my LA Fitness gym after working out, and an older guy got in beside me wearing bathing trunks and a WWII vet baseball cap. We won’t even get into the issue of why he was wearing a baseball cap at an indoor pool – that’s an entirely different sartorial discussion – but what irked me was when he pulled out his cellphone and started a loud conversation with someone who appeared to be his adult son. On his speakerphone. [Read More]


A secret memo marked “URGENT” detailed how the House Democratic Caucus’s server went “missing” soon after it became evidence in a cybersecurity probe. The secret memo also said more than “40 House offices may have been victims of IT security violations.”

In the memo, Congress’s top law enforcement official, Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving, along with Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko, wrote, “We have concluded that the employees [Democratic systems administrator Imran Awan and his family] are an ongoing and serious risk to the House of Representatives, possibly threatening the integrity of our information systems and thereby members’ capacity to serve constituents.”

The memo, addressed to the Committee on House Administration (CHA) and dated Feb. 3, 2017, was recently reviewed and transcribed by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The letter bolsters TheDCNF’s previous reporting about the missingserver and evidence of fraudon Capitol Hill. [Read More]

Salena Zito: Let’s raise a pint to putting our political differences aside (Fox News)

For eight years Jim Oppman has prided himself on arriving at the Wilderness Voyageurs Beer and Gear Festival before anyone else, staking his place first in line before the crowds rush in.

This year, he got beat by a group of 20-somethings.

“Sometimes you have to pass the torch,” says Oppman, 51, smiling and pointing to the youths ahead of him. [Read More]

The Fiery Angel: Art, Culture, Sex, Politics, and the Struggle for the Soul of the West (Amazon)

Without an understanding and appreciation of the culture we seek to preserve and protect, the defense of Western civilization is fundamentally futile; a culture that believes in nothing cannot defend itself, because it has nothing to defend. The past not only still has something to tell us, but it also has something that it must tell us. In this profound and wide-ranging historical survey, Michael Walsh illuminates the ways that the narrative and visual arts both reflect and affect the course of political history, outlining the way forward by arguing for the restoration of the Heroic Narrative that forms the basis of all Western cultural and religious traditions. Let us listen, then, to the angels of our nature, for better and worse. They have much to tell us, if only we will listen. [Read More]

Roaming stork lands Polish charity with huge phone bill (EuroNews)

A Polish charity has been hit with a massive phone bill after a GPS tracker it had put on a stork was stolen.

In April 2017, Polish environmental group EkoLogiczna placed a GPS tracker on the back of Kajtek, a white stork, to collect data about the bird’s winter migration route as well as its feeding habits.

In the year that followed, Kajtek travelled some 6,000 kilometres but was last recorded on 26 April in the Blue Nile Valley in eastern Sudan. [Read More]


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