Metro To Run Extra Service Tuesday For Capitals’ Parade

Bryan Taylor

WASHINGTON – Metro says it will run rush-hour level service throughout the day to accommodate the tens of thousands of fans expected to head to the Capitals’ parade downtown.

Regular Metro hours will commence at 5 AM, but instead of service being dialed back after the morning service, those levels will stay the same into the evening.

Not only will the service schedule remain the same, but fares will stay at the regular price as well.

Metro Transit Police may make temporary changes to some stations, designating certain paths as “entry only” or “exit only” and shutting down escalators to help with crowd control.

The busiest stations will likely be Archives, Arlington Cemetery, Foggy Bottom, Federal Triangle, Metro Center, Federal Center SW, L’Enfant Plaza, Smithsonian, Archives, Union Station, and Gallery Place.

The transit agency is also urging those using the system tomorrow, whether you’re going to the parade or not, to make sure there’s enough money on your SmarTrip card ahead of time.

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