Mornings on the Mall 06.01.18

CEI’s Myron Ebell, Dinesh D’Souza and Steve Moore joined WMAL on Friday!

Mornings on the Mall

Friday, June 1, 2018

Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese

Executive Producer: Heather Hunter



  • Comedian Samantha Bee used a vulgar insult to describe Ivanka Trump – and now she’s apologizing. Comedian Samantha Bee apologized Thursday for using vulgar language to describe Ivanka Trump, President Donald Trump’s elder daughter and a top White House aide. In a tweet, Bee said she “crossed a line” when she used the expletive on her TBS comedy show, “Full Frontal,” calling it “inappropriate and inexcusable.”
  • Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump: Why aren’t they firing no talent Samantha Bee for the horrible language used on her low ratings show? A total double standard but that’s O.K., we are Winning, and will be doing so for a long time to come!
  • Samantha Bee @iamsambee: I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.
  • Samantha Bee apologizes for insult to Ivanka Trump – but advertisers are still fleeing via @theblaze // Bee hosts a comedy show on TBS, and advertisers began dropping the show after the public outrage over her comments. “Thank you to those who reached out regarding our sponsorship of Full Frontal,” tweeted the account for “AutoTrader.” “The comments expressed by Samantha Bee were offensive and unacceptable and do not reflect the views of our company,” they added. “As a result, we have suspended our sponsorship of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.” State Farm insurance also suspended their ads on Bee’s show. “We have asked TBS to suspend our advertising in the program and are reviewing any future placements,” the company said in a statement. “We constantly review programs to ensure alignment to our programming guidelines and brand values.
  • Samantha Bee skips red carpet ahead of accepting ‘social change’ honor; press barred from event  via @foxnews
  • Bravo to CNN’s Brooke Baldwin for making a forceful, powerful point here. No double standards.
  • Chelsea Clinton defends Ivanka Trump
  • TBS Applauds #Samantha_Bee for Apologizing for Calling Ivanka ‘C*nt’; Does Little Else
  • Sarah Sanders: Samantha Bee’s vulgar Ivanka Trump slur “vile and vicious,” not fit for broadcast

5am – D         British Expert on the Royal Family Is Actually Tommy From Upstate New York. As the royal wedding unfolded, Thomas J. Mace-Archer-Mills, Esq. was on screen with his posh English accent to enlighten many on the monarchy. He’s from north of Albany. Thomas J. Mace-Archer-Mills, Esq., aka Thomas ‘Tommy’ Muscatello. When Britain’s Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle walked down the aisle May 19, royal-wedding fans watched on television around the world. On the TV screen to enlighten many of them was a commentator named Thomas J. Mace-Archer-Mills, Esq. He has built a media persona over recent years as one of Britain’s authorities on the royalty, and he appeared in dozens of interviews leading up to the wedding to explain and defend the monarchy. In his posh British accent, as crowds awaited Ms. Markle’s car, Mr. Mace-Archer-Mills told Norway’s TV 2: “The most important aspect is keeping integrity, keeping formality and making sure that the traditions and heritage that we have as British people remain at the forefront.” As the couple approached St. George’s Chapel, he told France’s TF1 television: “We’re making world history.” There are Anglophiles, royal-family devotees and people who obsess over BBC dramas. Then there is 38-year-old Mr. Mace-Archer-Mills, who started life as Thomas “Tommy” Muscatello, an Italian-American from upstate New York.

5am – E         Susan Rice’s son is outspoken pro-Trump GOP leader at Stanford (Fox News) — One of Stanford University’s most vocal conservative leaders, who is determined to “Make Stanford Great Again,” is the son of controversial Obama administration official Susan Rice. John David Rice-Cameron, 20, told Fox News on Wednesday that the Tea Party movement inspired him to move away from his parents’ politics and become a conservative. Rice-Cameron said his parents, both Democrats, encouraged debate and discussion, which unwittingly put him on the path to conservatism by listening to Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, host of “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Fox News Channel. “I salute John David Rice-Cameron; a young man committed to liberty,” Levin wrote on social media, sharing a story from The College Fix. Rice-Cameron responded with thanks and added he will call into the show soon. “You have been the single greatest political inspiration for me,” he wrote. “Thank you very much. I will try to call into the radio show sometime soon.” Listening to Levin talk about the intellectual underpinnings of conservatism and the principles of individual liberty and natural rights, prompted him to be active and outspoken, he said.

6am – A/B     TRUMP’S PARDONS:

  • Trump announces over Twitter that he’ll pardon Dinesh D’Souza. President Donald Trump on Thursday announced via a tweet that he’ll pardon Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative author who pleaded guilty for violating campaign finance laws. Trump said D’Souza was “treated very unfairly by our government!” This will be Trump’s fifth pardon, joining former sheriff Joseph Arpaio, former Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff Scooter Libby, Navy sailor Kristian Saucier and the deceased boxer Jack Johnson.
  • Trump May Pardon Martha Stewart, Commute Blagojevich Sentence.  (AP) – Trump says he’s also thinking about clemency for celebrity lifestyle guru Martha Stewart and former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (bluh-GOY’-uh-vich), among “lots” of other people. Blagojevich is serving a 14-year prison sentence on numerous counts of corruption, including trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat that was vacated by Barack Obama. Stewart served a stint in federal prison after being convicted of charges related to a stock sale. Both had connections to Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” TV show: Blagojevich was a contestant in 2010 and Stewart hosted a 2005 spinoff, “The Apprentice: Martha Stewart.”

6am – C         TARIFFS:

  • Stock market sinks after Trump announces new tariffs (The Hill) — The Dow Jones industrial average sank 250 points Thursday morning after President Trump announced that he would impose steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico and the European Union. The S&P 500 dropped 0.5 percent.
  • Justin Trudeau Says Canada Will Retaliate Against US Over Trump’s Steel Tariffs (Daily Caller) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called President Donald Trump’s steel tariffs against his country’s products “inconceivable” and threatened to retaliate in kind within the coming months. Trudeau called Trump’s protectionist gambit “totally unacceptable” during a Thursday afternoon press conference. It is “inconceivable” that “Canada could be considered a national security threat to the United States,” he added. Canada will impose tariffs against American steel and aluminum in the amount of $16.6 billion at rates of 25 percent and 10 percent, a number representing the total value of Canada’s 2017 steel and aluminum U.S. exports. They’ll go into effect on July 1 and stay in place until the U.S. ends its own tariffs.
  • Mexico fires back at Trump by imposing own tariffs on many products (The Hill) — The government of Mexico announced on Thursday it would implement new duties on various U.S. products in response to President Trump’s decision to levy steel and aluminum tariffs on the country. “Mexico reiterates its position against protectionist measures that affect and distort international commerce in goods,” the government said in a statement. “In response to the tariffs imposed by the United States, Mexico will impose equivalent measures to various products like flat steels (hot and cold foil, including coated and various tubes), lamps, legs and shoulders of pork, sausages and food preparations, apples, grapes, blueberries, various cheeses, among others, up to an amount comparable to the level of affectation.” The announcement comes after U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the administration had decided to end temporary exemptions on tariffs for Mexico, the European Union and Canada.
  • President Trump’s strict stance on trade could put 2.6 million American jobs at risk, the head of the Chamber of Commerce says (CNN) — President Trump’s strict stance on trade could put 2.6 million American jobs at risk, the head of the Chamber of Commerce says. Tom Donohue, president and CEO of the business organization, issued the forecast in a memo to the board of directors Thursday that was obtained by CNNMoney. The memo, citing outside studies, adds the possible job losses from tariffs both threatened and enacted by the administration, plus a possible US withdrawal from NAFTA, the trade agreement with Canada and Mexico.
  • US allies vow to retaliate over Trump’s metal tariffs via @nypost. US allies Canada, Mexico and Europe said they would retaliate by imposing their own penalties on American goods​ after the Trump administration on Thursday placed tariffs on steel and aluminum. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced the tariffs — 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on aluminum — and said they would take effect Friday. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the tariffs “totally unacceptable” and an affront to an ally that has fought alongside American forces for decades. “Canada buys more American steel than any other country in the world, half of US steel exports,” ​he said​. “Canada is a secure supplier of aluminum and steel to the US defense industry, putting aluminum in American planes and steel in American tanks. That Canada could be considered a national security threat to the United States is inconceivable.”


  • Mueller’s Office Releases Statement of Expenditures Revealing MILLIONS of Dollars Wasted on Russia Witch Hunt. Mueller Runs Up $16M Tab.
  • GIULIANI WANTS MORE FROM MUELLER: (Fox News) — Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani is setting “red lines” for Robert Mueller in talks over a possible interview between the president and special counsel, telling Fox News on Thursday they want access to “everything” on the FBI’s informant during the 2016 campaign as well as the “scope” memo setting the terms of the Russia probe.
  • DeSantis Responds to Gowdy: ‘Deploying Surveillance’ on Trump ‘Not Normal,’ ‘Not What Americans Want the FBI to Be Doing.’ Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) reacted to remarks from Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who had said the FBI had done exactly what they were supposed regarding allegations of surveilling members of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. DeSantis said such activity was “not normal” and the proper course of action would have been for the FBI to notify Trump himself of the possibility of Russian involvement directly. “The way the FBI and potentially other agencies did that was not trying to protect then-candidate Donald Trump,” DeSantis said. “If you had a problem with somebody on the periphery of the campaign, the obvious thing to do is to go brief the campaign and brief Donald Trump. And guess what Donald Trump would have done — if it was some tangential figure, he would say ‘OK, we will not have them involved in the campaign.’”
  • Prosecutors interview Comey as they investigate whether McCabe should be charged
  • Scoop: Trump repeatedly pressured Sessions on Mueller investigation
  • Trump Revises Comey Firing, Giuliani Blasts ‘Lynching Mob’
  • IG REPORT: Byron York @ByronYork: 11h11 hours ago: Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on IG report, originally scheduled for June 5, has been moved to June 11. That means no IG report this week.
  • CLAPPER – NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION: “I saw no smoking-gun evidence of collusion before I left the government, and I still haven’t,” Clapper told Vox in an interview Thursday to promote his new book, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths From a Life in Intelligence.” “There is a lot of circumstantial evidence and reasons to be suspicious, but no smoking gun as of yet.”

6am – E         JOY REID

  • DAILY CALLER: Meghan McCain Responds To MSNBC’s Joy Reid Photoshopping John McCain’s Face Onto A Mass Shooter
  • Joy Reid Published Image Of John McCain As VA Tech Shooter…
  • Joy Reid Wrote About Possible ‘Dual Loyalties’ Of Israel Supporters, Said AIPAC ‘Holds The Whip Hand’ Over U.S. Politicians
  • Clay Aiken Calls on MSNBC to Fire Joy Reid as More Hateful Blogs Uncovered

6am – F         NORTH KOREA NEWS:

  • Pompeo says he doesn’t know if Kim-Trump summit will happen. Washington (CNN) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday he still doesn’t know whether a summit between President Donald Trump and North Korea’s leader will take place on June 12. Pompeo, speaking to reporters in New York after two meetings with a senior North Korean official, said the two sides have made progress toward a successful meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, but that challenges remain. “We’ve made real progress in the last 72 hours in terms of setting the conditions” for a successful summit, Pompeo said. But, he added, “make no mistake about it, there remains a great deal of work to do.”
  • North Korean official will deliver a letter from Kim Jong Un to President Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says. (CNBC) – North Korean officials will deliver a letter from Kim Jong Un to President Donald Trump on Friday in Washington, according to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the latest sign that a canceled summit between the two leaders could be back on. Pompeo, who has been meeting with a delegation from the communist dictatorship, acknowledged roadblocks in the ongoing negotiations and said that there was still a great deal of work to do. But he also expressed optimism about working toward the meeting. Trump had said earlier Thursday that North Korean delegates wanted to deliver the letter, the latest sign that a summit between the two leaders may indeed happen after all. The president, speaking to reporters before he departed to attend fundraisers in Texas, said he believes the delegates will be coming to Washington on Friday. He also expressed hope that the meeting would still take place as planned. “We’ll see what happens,” he said. Minutes later, Trump tweeted that meetings with North Korea had been “very good.”


7am – A         INTERVIEW – MYRON EBELL – director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute – discussed the anniversary of the Trump administration exiting the Paris Climate Agreement and the claims of climate change in Ellicott City.

  • BIO: Myron Ebell is director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Ebell also chairs the Cooler Heads Coalition, which comprises representatives from more than two dozen non-profit organizations based in the United States and abroad that challenge global warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies.
  • June 1 marks the one year anniversary of the Trump Administration’s retreat from the Paris Agreement, a framework backed by every country in the world to reduce climate pollution.
  • ‘Did climate change kill … people in Ellicott City?’ (PHILLY.COM / by Will Bunch, STAFF COLUMNIST) ) — After the 2016 disaster, a top Maryland lawmaker — state Sen. James Rosapepe, chair of a key environmental subcommittee — asked, “Did climate change kill two people in Ellicott City…” — pointing to the mounting evidence that a hotter planet and a wetter atmosphere is making weather events more extreme and thus more deadly more often.
  • Former MD Governor Martin O’Malley @MartinOMalley: Solidarity and support to our flooded neighbors in Ellicott City. Climate change is real. 1,000-year floods are now every other year events. Time to act.

7am – B/C     SAMANTHA BEE FALLOUT: Comedian Samantha Bee used a vulgar insult to describe Ivanka Trump – and now she’s apologizing.

7am – D         INTERVIEW — DINESH D’SOUZA – Conservative commentator and documentary filmmaker

  • Trump announces over Twitter that he’ll pardon Dinesh D’Souza. President Donald Trump on Thursday announced via a tweet that he’ll pardon Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative author who pleaded guilty for violating campaign finance laws. Trump said D’Souza was “treated very unfairly by our government!”

7am – E         Retired Colonel’s Obituary Calls Out Northern Virginia Drivers.”A native of Northern Virginia for the last 30 years of his life, he hated how all of you were incapable of driving competently” (NBC Washington) — A retired U.S. Marine Corps colonel hated D.C.-area drivers so much, his family mentioned them in his obituary. Col. Robert F. Gibson died in Annandale, Virginia, on Dec. 26, 2017. He was 77. In an obituary published Sunday in The Washington Post, his family wrote about his distinguished military service — and his feelings about local drivers. “A native of Northern Virginia for the last 30 years of his life, he hated how all of you were incapable of driving competently,” the obituary says. Gibson’s widow, Barbara Gibson, told News4 her family wanted to capture in the obituary a part of her husband’s daily life. “It’s a general sentiment a lot of folks have,” she said. “He traveled on the Beltway, and traffic is horrendous.” News of the obituary was first posted on the Reddit page for Washington, D.C.

8am – A         INTERVIEW — STEVE MOORE — Heritage Foundation economist discuss the Trump administration’s tariffs.

8am – B         Texas teen wins National Spelling Bee. (CNN) Karthik Nemmani, a soft-spoken eighth-grader from McKinney, Texas, hadn’t been to the National Spelling Bee before, but he had already been in a battle with 12-year-old Naysa Modi. In their county spelling bee, Naysa won, but Thursday, Karthik came out on top — successfully navigating through words like “aver,” “paucispiral,” “ankyloglossia,” “haecceitas” and finally “koinonia” to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The Greek word “koinonia” — most commonly pronounced “koy-nuh-NEE-uh” — is defined as “intimate spiritual communion and participative sharing in a common religious commitment and spiritual community.” When asked whether having Naysa, who is from Frisco, and other friends at the national finals helped, the unassuming Karthik said: “Yeah, I guess.” He smiled, and added, “I guess it gave me a little more confidence.” When asked at what point he knew he could spell the winning word, the 14-year-old said to laughter: “When I heard it.” Spellers typically ask for clues such as language of origin, alternate pronunciations and what part of speech the word is. Naysa, who prepared her answers by miming as though typing on a keyboard, finished second after incorrectly spelling “Bewusstseinslage,” leaving out the second S. Thursday’s finals went 18 rounds. Karthik wins $40,000 in cash, a trophy, encyclopedias and $2,500 savings bond.

8am – C         Democratic House candidate in Virginia compares Trump to Osama bin Laden. (CNN) A Democratic candidate for Congress from Virginia compares President Donald Trump to Osama bin Laden in a digital and television ad released on Wednesday. “After 9/11, the greatest threat to our democracy lived in a cave,” narrates candidate Dan Helmer as a photo of bin Laden flashes on the screen. “Today, he lives in the White House. No one, even the President, is above the law.” Helmer — an Army veteran who served in Iraq — is running in the Democratic primary in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District to face incumbent Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock. The advertisement, titled “Different,” plays up Helmer’s military service, emphasizing a new approach that Democrats are taking to recruit military veterans. In a statement, White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah called the ad “nothing short of reprehensible.”


8am – E         Secret Service Agent Doesn’t Recognize CNN’s Jim Acosta, Hilarity Ensues (Daily Caller) — CNN’s chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta ran afoul of a Secret Service agent on Wednesday — all apparently because he wasn’t wearing his press badge. Part of the exchange was captured and shared on Twitter, as Acosta attempted to re-enter the White House without showing proper identification. Acosta appeared to be explaining to the agent that he was not wearing his badge because he had just been on the air, but she stood her ground and refused to allow him access without ID.

Acosta: …That’s why I’m not wearing a badge.

Agent: That’s fine if you’re on the air. That’s fine. But if you’re walking around when you’re not on camera … you wear it so we know who you are…

Acosta: I’ve been here five years, nobody has ever said that to me…

The agent had the last word as Acosta walked away, saying, “I haven’t been here five years. I’m sorry. I didn’t recognize you.”


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