LISTEN: DINESH D’SOUZA On Pardon: I Think The President Is Sending A Message About The Obama-Era ‘Gangsterization’ Of Politics. Obama Used The Weapons Of The State: FBI, DOJ, IRS Against Political Adversaries Like Me.

INTERVIEW — DINESH D’SOUZA – Conservative commentator and documentary filmmaker — joined WMAL’s morning-drive radio show in Washington, D.C. on Friday to respond to President Trump’s pardon.

  • Trump announces over Twitter that he’ll pardon Dinesh D’Souza. President Donald Trump on Thursday announced via a tweet that he’ll pardon Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative author who pleaded guilty to making an illegal campaign contribution. This will be Trump’s fifth pardon, joining former sheriff Joseph Arpaio, former Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff Scooter Libby, Navy sailor Kristian Saucier and the deceased boxer Jack Johnson.



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