The Larry O’Connor Show 05.09.18

Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out Larry’s interviews and topics below:

CIA pick Haspel defends ‘moral compass’ amid Dem attacks, details spy credentials (Fox News)

President Trump’s nominee for CIA director Gina Haspel on Wednesday defended her “moral compass” as she brushed back Democratic criticism of her handling of the post-9/11 detention and interrogation program — while sharing gripping details about her credentials as a lifelong spy.

Haspel spoke at her confirmation hearing to replace now-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the agency’s helm, and sought to head off criticism about her role in the interrogation of terror suspects. While GOP lawmakers and bipartisan voices from the intelligence community have strongly backed her bid, Democrats have threatened to stall her nomination over the Bush-era programs. [Read More]

The Trump Land Mine (National Review)

After the 2016 election, the so-called deep state was confident that it had the power easily to either stop, remove, or delegitimize the outlier Donald Trump and his presidency.

Give it credit, the Washington apparat quite imaginatively pulled out all the stops: implanting Obama holdover appointees all over the Trump executive branch; filing lawsuits and judge shopping; organizing the Resistance; pursuing impeachment writs; warping the FISA courts; weaponizing the DOJ and FBI; attempting to disrupt the Electoral College; angling for enactment of the 25th Amendment or the emoluments clause; and unleashing Hollywood celebrities, Silicon Valley, and many in Wall Street to suffocate the Trump presidency in its infancy. [Read More]

Black Guns Matter Tour – Maj Toure

Black Guns Matter educates people in urban communities on their 2nd amendment rights and responsibilities through firearms training and education.

We are fundraising for a 50 state tour to continue informing urban communities–especially youth–about safe and legal firearms knowledge, conflict resolution, and the 2nd amendment. [Read More]

Joy Reid in ratings free fall amid credibility crisis over homophobic blog posts (The Washington Times)

Day after historic ceremony WaPo attacks Ambassador Grenell for daring to support Trump’s agenda (The Washington Times)

German Ambassador Richard Grenell was warmly received by the German government and, in an historic moment, Grenell’s partner, Matt Lashey, was also welcomed in the official state ceremony installing Grenell as America’s envoy Tuesday in Berlin.

Dressed in formal daycoat tails, Grenell and Lashey were officially accepted at Bellvue Palace by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier marking the first time an openly gay dignitary with his partner participated in a formal state function of this level on behalf of the United States. [Read more]

Mueller’s Tough Week in Court (National Review)

Well sure, we filed an indictment. And yeah, we took a victory lap in the big bells-n-whistles Main Justice press conference. But that doesn’t mean we, like, intended to have a trial . . .

That seems to be the Justice Department’s position on its mid-February publicity stunt, the indictment of 13 Russians and three Russian businesses for interfering in the 2016 election. [Read More]

‘I Have More Energy’: 1 In 4 Couples Sleep Apart For Better Rest (CBS Minnesota)

Snoring, sleep talking or hogging the blankets can make sleeping with another person impossible. The National Sleep Foundation found some married couples choose to get a better night’s rest by sleeping apart.

“Sometimes it’s so loud you just laugh, you know that’s all you can do,” said Nancy Scott. [Read More]

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