Happen to miss The Larry O’Connor Show today? Recap today’s program by checking out Larry’s interviews and topics below:
To read Rep.Louie Gohmert’s Mueller Report, click HERE.
The next defense authorization bill could have a slew of new cyber provisions aimed at streamlining the Defense Department’s collaboration with the rest of government.
The House Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities released a markup of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act on April 26 that includes a range of cyber provisions and recommendations focusing on expanding cyber forces, protecting critical infrastructure and consolidating cyber responsibilities.
Key provisions include [Read More]
NBC News chief, Tom Brokaw react to new sexual misconduct allegations against the former anchor
NBC News chairman Andrew Lack restated his commitment to a safe workplace environment Friday, one day after allegations of unwanted advances by the network’s revered former anchor, Tom Brokaw, became public.
The accusations against Brokaw hit the network news division hard, coming just five months after longtime Today Show anchor Matt Lauer was firedafter reports of sexual misconduct.
Former NBC News correspondent Linda Vester accuses Brokaw of forced kissing, a groping incident in a conference room and an uninvited appearance at her hotel room, all during the 1990s while he was the anchor of NBC’s Nightly News. [Read More]
‘Clear double standard’: As Comey denies illegally leaking memo, others prosecuted for mishandling classified material
When President Trump lashed out Friday at former FBI Director James Comey for sharing memos about their conversations, the president highlighted the case of a lower-level figure who was given a tough sentence for mishandling classified material.
“Remember sailor!” Trump tweeted.
It was a reference to Kristian Saucier, the former U.S. Navy sailor who served a year behind bars for taking photos of classified areas in a nuclear submarine before being pardoned by Trump this spring. [Read More]
Editorial: Brat’s big idea on health care
Rep. Dave Brat is pushing one of the best big ideas floating around Congress these days. His H.R. 247 would dramatically increase the size, scope, and flexibility of health savings accounts — which have been one of the few indisputably successful health care reforms in the past couple of decades.
The accounts allow people to save money — tax free — so they can help pay for some of their own medical costs. That creates an incentive to pay attention to prices, which adds a modicum of market discipline to an industry that’s terribly expensive because, among other things, most payments are made with what feels like and often is other people’s money. [Read More]
The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot to Stop It
Andy Puzder, the former CEO of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, says that “capitalism” is not a dirty word, and thankfully President Trump understands this; his pro-business policies will bring back economic growth and secure our future.
As a successful CEO in the restaurant industry, Andy Puzder uniquely understands how important the profit motive is to our country’s ultimate prosperity. Furthermore, as the grandson of immigrants, the son of a car salesman, and someone who worked his way up from earning minimum wage to running an international business, he has a first-hand view of how America’s exceptional capitalist spirit can lift everyone to success. [
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Let’s all blame the baby boomers for everything
It’s good, cheap fun to blame millennials for the rise of selfies, spending all their money on avocado toast, and ruining brands, but there’s a growing consensus among millennials and gen Xers that it’s the baby boomers who deserve the blame.
Thanks to boomers, loosely defined as those born between 1946 and 1964, millennials face massive college loans (which the current administration is not helping), inherited ongoing wars (which the current administration is not helping), and face an uncertain future when it comes to work. The majority of millennials blame the boomers, but, the big surprise is that according to a new Axios/SurveyMonkey poll, a lot of boomers agree. [Read More]
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