Curious about today’s topics on The Larry O’Connor Show? Below are a few stories on the radar. Be sure to listen to The Larry O’Connor Show Monday – Friday 3pm – 6pm on WMAL.
Organizers of US-bound immigrant caravan accuse Trump of ‘bullying,’ ‘threats of mass violence’ (Fox News)
The organization behind the 1,000-person strong caravan of Central Americans surging toward the United States’ southern border accused President Trump on Monday of “bullying” immigrants and threatening “mass violence” — while Trump again warned the advancing procession “had better be stopped.”
Pueblo Sin Fronteras, or People Without Borders, fired back at Trump after the president’s Twitter tirade urging Congress to invoke the “nuclear option” — requiring only a simple majority to pass legislation — in order to pass bills for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and tough immigration reform. [Read More]
Howard U. Council of Deans supports President Frederick as student sit-in reaches 6th day (WJLA)
Howard University’s Council of Deans is showing support for President Wayne A. I. Frederick amid a student sit-in that begins its sixth day on Tuesday.
According to the Howard University Office of Communications, the Council of Deans stated Tuesday morning:
The Council of Deans is confident that the plans, strategies, programs and activities of the University Board of Trustees and President Wayne A.I. Frederick are yielding positive results and are on a positive trajectory for a strong and positive future for our beloved institution. [Read More]
A woman told police that she was attacked in downtown Washington last month after she expressed support for President Trump.
According to the account given to police, two women beat her at the Surfside Restaurant, which offers outdoor dining in the Dupont Circle area, in the 1800 block of N Street NW.
About 1 a.m. on March 16, the woman went to the restaurant, where she told police she overheard a conversation among the two women and a male companion.
A video from a nearby surveillance camera shows two women who police said are “persons of interest” in the assault.
At some point, according to the police report, the woman joined in the conversation. She is quoted in the report as saying, “I support Donald Trump.” [Read More]
Huntington Beach Votes To Sue Over Sanctuary State Status (CBS LA)
Another Orange County city is joining the fight against sanctuary city status.
The Huntington Beach City Council voted 6 to 1 to sue the state over SB 54 — the Senate bill that would protect undocumented immigrants by limiting the cooperation between local police and ICE agents.
More than 100 people were at the meeting to tell the council they wanted to join the Orange County lawsuit, just days after Los Alamitos became the first city in Orange County to leave their sanctuary city status behind.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher could barely be heard over the hecklers. [Read More]
UGH: George Washington U Hosts Workshop On ‘Christian Privilege’ (Daily Wire)
A new workshop at George Washington University aims to force students to confront not just their white privilege, but also their “Christian privilege:” the notion that belonging to the Christian faith somehow confers immense societal benefits that other students simply don’t experience.
According to The College Fix, which uncovered the hilarious-and-disturbing “enrichment program” on GWU’s Multicultural Student Services Center website, “the event will teach that Christians enjoy a privileged, easier life than their non-Christian counterparts, and that Christians possess ‘built-in advantages’.” [Read More]
Sesame Place Becomes First Theme Park to Be Designated as Certified Autism Center (NBC Philadelphia)
Just in time for World Autism Awareness Day, Sesame Place became the first theme park in the world designated as a Certified Autism Center (CAC) by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES).
The Langhorne, Bucks County-based theme park, which opens for its 38th season on April 28, announced on Monday that staff-wide autism sensitivity and awareness training had been completed, allowing for the park’s distinction as a CAC.
CAC designation requires the park to provide ongoing training — every two years to be exact — to team members so they have the necessary skills and knowledge to interact with families that have children with special needs, specifically on the autism spectrum. [Read More]
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