Larry O’Connor penned an opinion piece at The Washington Times. An excerpt of his latest article, “I’m Andrew McCabe, paragon of virtue… Thanks for your half-million bucks, America!” is below:
One of the most disturbing chapters of the Andrew McCabe saga here in The Swamp is the smarmy, shameless, despicable and totally effective fundraising campaign that just netted the former Deputy FBI Director a cool half-million bucks donated by generous (if not misguided) Americans keen on seeing James Comey’s crony “stick it” to Donald Trump.
Now, you may see it as a bit unseemly for a “public servant” to beg the American people to pay for his lawyers (doesn’t he know a few lawyers who could help him out? Does Sally Yates have a gig?) but you’re clearly missing the point. McCabe is one of our betters. He doesn’t have time for “accountability” or “transparency” or petty little ideas like “answering to a higher authority for his actions.” He IS the higher authority, right?
The fundraising pitch rhetorically pitted McCabe as the valiant defender of truth, justice and the American way against the fascist president who dared follow the recommendations of the independent, non-partisan Inspector General of the DOJ and the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) who apparently determined McCabe had lied multiple times to Comey, to the OPR and the IG. (Damn that tyrant Trump for not stopping his Attorney General from following the recommendations of the OPR! How long must this tyranny last?) [Read More]
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