The Official Prediction Is In: The Cherry Blossoms Will Arrive Early

John Matthews

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) It looks like spring will be spring early in the Nation’s Capital.

The National Weather Service announced Thursday that the yoshino cherry blossoms along the Tidal Basin are expected to reach full bloom between March 17th and 20th – a full two weeks earlier than average.

Horticulturalists say the trees reached green bud stage over this past weekend – an occurance that usually doesn’t take place until the first weekend in March.

Peak bloom is considered to be the day when 70 percent of the blossoms are open. Over the past two years, the peak occured on March 25th.

If the forecast holds, the blossoms should still be in fine form for the start of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, which runs from March 20th through April 15th.

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