LISTEN: SUSAN FERRECHIO On Gun Legislation: The Current Bill In The Senate Would Have A Tough Time Getting Through The House

INTERVIEW – SUSAN FERRECHIO – chief congressional correspondent for the Washington Examiner – discussed gun legislation in Congress and gun measures that could be taken by President Trump

  • Trump and Congress move on guns after Florida (Washington Examiner) — Many are hoping Congress will finally move on stalled gun control legislation in the wake of the latest deadly school shooting, but the effort on Capitol Hill still faces the same kinds of hurdles that have made it impossible for decades to pass measures that make significant changes to current gun laws. The Senate could act soon on a bill that would improve the nation’s background check system used for scrutinizing most firearms purchases, including incentives and penalties to make state government report information that could be used to block gun purchases. But the Republican-run House is likely to oppose the measure unless it is coupled with language allowing concealed carry permit holders to legally bring their weapons to other states, which is a measure that cannot pass the Senate. The two measures were paired in legislation the House passed in December. “It should not happen where that bill comes up by itself in the House,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said, referring to the Senate bill to improve the background check system. Jordan said most members of his faction of conservative lawmakers, the House Freedom Caucus, would oppose the standalone background check bill. GOP leaders assured them in December the two measures “would stay together.” Opposition to a bill that leaves out reciprocity language, Jordan said, “is broader than the Freedom Caucus.”

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