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LISTEN: KEN KLUKOWSKI Breaks Down the Federal Appeals Court Ruling Against Trump’s Travel Ban

Listen as Larry spoke with Ken Klukowski, Senior Legal Editor at Breitbart News Network and General Counsel at The American Civil Rights Union, regarding a federal appeals court ruling against President Trump’s travel ban.

Fourth Circuit Appeals Court Strikes Down Trump’s Travel Ban, Yet Again

Yet another federal appeals court has invalidated President Donald Trump’s immigration policy—this time the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, which is currently the most liberal federal appeals court in the nation—though it makes no difference, because the Supreme Court has already agreed to decide this matter once and for all.
The three most liberal federal appeals courts in the nation are the Fourth Circuit, Ninth Circuit, and D.C. Circuit, where Senate Democrats paved the way for President Barack Obama to have the greatest impact. Those courts have predictably voted against the Trump administration on a host of issues.

Immigration is a perfect example. Most of the headlines against President Trump’s immigration actions have come from either the Fourth Circuit or the Ninth Circuit. There have been three iterations of the president’s “extreme vetting”: Executive Order 13769, signed in January; Executive Order 13780, signed in March; and Presidential Proclamation 9645, issued in September. [Read More]

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