LISTEN: REP. DAVE BRAT Discussed How Taxpayers Are Paying For The Experimenting And Killing Of Dogs.

INTERVIEW — CONGRESSMAN DAVE BRAT – (R-VA)  — discussed his thoughts on what’s next for immigration and his bill on taxpayer-funded abuse of dogs. 

  • White House will roll out legislative framework for immigration Monday –– (Axios) Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that President Trump will release a framework for what he hopes to see in an immigration reform bill on Monday. Asked whether that’ll include a path to citizenship for Dreamers, Sanders said, “If I told you now it would kind of take away the fun for Monday.”-

  • PUPPERS Act of 2017 – Preventing Unkind and Painful Procedures and Experiments on Respected Species Act of 2017 or the PUPPERS Act of 2017: This bill prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs, in carrying out research within the Veterans Health Administration, from purchasing, breeding, transporting, housing, feeding, maintaining, disposing of, or experimenting on dogs as part of the conduct of any study that causes significant pain or distress.



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