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TODAY: Washington Examiner’s SUSAN FERRECHIO Breaks Down the Latest Surrounding the Spending Bill

Listen as Larry spoke with Susan Ferrechio, the chief congressional correspondent for the Washington Examiner, about the details surrounding a possible spending deal.

House passes month-long spending bill, sends shutdown drama to the Senate

House Republicans on Thursday passed a bill to keep the federal government funded until Feb. 16, sending the legislation to a possible defeat in the Senate later tonight.

Republicans passed the bill after an internal fight over military spending and immigration reform that they resolved about an hour before the vote.

Lawmakers passed it 230-187 — six Democrats voted for it, and 11 Republicans voted against it.

House Republicans secured the votes for the legislation after Republican leaders promised to call up a conservative immigration reform bill authored by Reps. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Raul Labrador, R-Idaho. They also promised to take up a bill in the next few weeks that would provide a year’s worth of funding for the defense department, which has endured significant budget cuts that defense hawks argue have hurt readiness. [Read More]

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