Larry O’Connor penned an opinion piece at The Washington Times. An excerpt of his latest article, Gohmert: Without wall Trump will face impeachment, is below:
President Trump’s immigration policy allies are beginning to tremble in fear that an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens with no strings attached to a border wall or chain migration is making its way through congressional negotiations with the White House’s tacit (or confused) approval.
From Ann Coulter, to Tucker Carlson to Rep. Steve King (R-IA) the warnings have been going up loud and clear: Don’t go there, Mr. President. Amnesty for so-called “DREAMers” without fundamental changes to illegal immigration policy attached is a trap set by Democrats (and most Republicans.)
The latest warning comes from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) in the form of an op/ed at The Daily Caller. And his clarion call to the White House includes an eyebrow-raising repercussion for the president if he gives on DACA without ensuring a wall: Impeachment [Read More]
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