Microsoft’s Chip Security Fix Is Turning Some PCs Into Bricks

WASHINGTON — Microsoft’s first attempt to patch a major microchip security flaw didn’t go so well.

Some older PCs with AMD processors couldn’t boot into Windows after installing Microsoft’s security patch. Those computers are perpetually stuck in the “blue screen of death.”

So, Microsoft suspended the security update for computers with AMD chips. (Customers with Intel chips can still get the update.)

In a statement, Microsoft blamed AMD, saying the chip maker screwed up its documentation for the Windows security patches for the chip flaws, called “Spectre” and “Meltdown.”

AMD and Microsoft said they are working together on a fix. AMD said it expects the new update to start rolling out “shortly.”

Meanwhile, Microsoft said AMD customers who can’t turn on their computers should run through a few troubleshooting scenarios, including booting into safe mode or even reinstalling Windows.

AMD’s stock is down roughly 3%.

The discovery of the Meltdown and Spectre flaws sparked an international panic last week because it hit billions of computers and smartphones. Researchers said hackers could access sensitive data, like passwords, stored in the chips.

Experts are suggesting computer and smartphone owners to update their devices.

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