LISTEN: MARK KRIKORIAN On Democrats Concerned Over Immigration Backlash: Some Of Dem Leadership Could Be In Physical Danger

INTERVIEW – MARK KRIKORIAN – a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues and serves as Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS)

  • Trump administration ends special status for Salvadoran immigrants
  • President Trump’s border wall, DREAMers and DACA will be at the top of bipartisan talks at the White House Tuesday as both sides hope to end an impasse on immigration with a potential Jan. 19 government shutdown looming… Trump is standing firm on his pledge to build a border wall and end chain migration and says a deal on DREAMers will not happen without a wall. Democrats have balked at Trump’s demands. The legal status of illegal immigrant minors has been a key obstacle in a spending deal and it remains to be seen whether Democrats are willing to shut down the government over DACA. Tuesday’s meeting is designed to bring the opposing sides together

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