How Trump’s voter fraud commission was sabotaged from within

Larry O’Connor penned an opinion piece at The Washington Times. An excerpt of his latest article, How Trump’s voter fraud commission was sabotaged from within, is below:

Last week President Donald Trump put an end to his commission investigating potential voting irregularities in America. He took to Twitter to blame the lack of cooperation and even direct defiance of many states under the control of Democrats:

But much of the blame for the collapse of the commission appears to have originated from within the ranks of Trump’s own nominees to the blue ribbon panel.

J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department attorney who served on the Voting Rights Division under President George W. Bush and Barack Obama says Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap (D-ME) “sabotaged” the commission through media leaks and resistance to the president.

“I was on the commission and I can tell you I would send an email to the commissioners and within about less than an hour my email would be being leaked to The Huffington Post,” Adams told me on my radio program Monday on WMAL in Washington DC. “One in particular the Secretary of State of Maine Matthew Dunlap, who simply did not want to commission to do its work. He played the role like Colonel Hogan, you know burrowing out and blowing things up and sabotaging the work of the commission instead of actually trying to address the real issues.” [Read More]

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