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LISTEN: Attorney JONATHAN SCHOCHOR Explains the Lawsuit Against a Man Acting as an Obstetrician-Gynecologist at Prince George’s Hospital Center

Listen as Larry spoke with Jonathan Schochor, Senior Managing Partner at Schochor, Federico and Staton, P.A., regarding a lawsuit against Oluwafemi Charles Igberase (Dr. Akoda), a fake doctor who acted as an obstetrician-gynecologist at Prince George’s Hospital Center.

He delivered their babies and examined their bodies. Now patients are suing after learning he used a fake name and stolen Social Security numbers for credentials. (The Washington Post) 

His patients called him Dr. Akoda.

As an obstetrician-gynecologist at Prince George’s Hospital Center, women trusted him to care for them in some of their most vulnerable moments. He gave them their annual checkups, treated their ailments and delivered their babies.

But their faith in the doctor who had practiced for years at the hospital just outside Washington quickly vanished after federal authorities announced that Akoda was not the man he said he was.

Akoda was actually Oluwafemi Charles Igberase, who used a fake Social Security number to obtain his medical license in Maryland. A federal investigation revealed his true identity and that he had been using stolen Social Security numbers to advance his medical career and obtain professional certifications for at least 25 years.

“I’m shook because of this,” said one of Igberase’s former patients, who said she feels betrayed. “This makes me even scared to go to the hospital. He could have put my son’s life and my life in danger.”

The woman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of her claims, is one of more than 100 patients who are part of a class-action lawsuit against Prince George’s Hospital Center. The women said the hospital failed to perform a proper background check on Igberase and allowed an impostor to practice medicine at the facility for five years. [Read More]

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