LISTEN: CHUCK DEVORE, Vice President of National Initiatives at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Discusses the Impact of the Tax Bill on the Economy

Listen as Larry spoke with Chuck DeVore, Vice President of National Initiatives at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, regarding his latest article, Trump’s tax bill and regulatory reform will spark an economic boom, benefitting all Americans.

Trump’s tax bill and regulatory reform will spark an economic boom, benefitting all Americans

Historic tax cut legislation that President Trump signed into law Friday will give us the chance to see what happens when an entire nation of 326 million people discards the failed policies of big government and managed stagnation, and instead rewards hard work and innovation.

Within hours of final passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in Congress this week, companies all across America announced billions of dollars in new investments, pay increases, employee bonuses and plans to hire new workers. [Read More]

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