Mornings on the Mall 12.22.17

Cliff May, Larry Michael and Michael Foley joined WMAL on Friday morning!

Mornings on the Mall

Friday, December 22, 2017

Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese

Executive Producer: Heather Hunter

5am – A/B/C Hillary Clinton mulls role in 2018 midterms.

5am – D         UN VOTE / NIKKI HALEY:

  • UN chastises Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital
  • Nikki Haley threatens to pull UN funding over Jerusalem vote. Nikki Haley puts UN in its place once-and-for-all after it declares US recognition of Jerusalem ‘null and void’
  • 128 Countries Call Trump’s Jerusalem Decision ‘Null And Void’ As Nikki Haley Threatens To Cut UN Aid
  • Nikki Haley invites countries who supported US in UN Israel vote to reception

5am – E         Steve Bannon Thinking Of Running For President In 2020?


6am – A/B/C AP Poll: Sexual Misconduct Allegations Voted Top News Story. NEW YORK (AP) — The wave of sexual misconduct allegations that toppled Hollywood power brokers, politicians, media icons and many others was the top news story of 2017, according to The Associated Press’ annual poll of U.S. editors and news directors. Here are 2017’s top 10 stories, in order: 1. Sexual misconduct, 2. Trump-First Year, 3. Las Vegas mass shooting, 4. Hurricane onslaught, 5. North Korea, 6. Trump-Russia probe, 7. Obamacare, 8. Tax overhaul, 9. Worldwide terror attacks and 10. Islamic State.

6am – D/E/F  Majority Of Americans Would Skip Holiday Gift-Giving, Survey Says. MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — For many people, giving and receiving gifts are one of the big parts of the holidays. However, a new survey shows that 69 percent of Americans would skip exchanging gifts if their family and friends agreed to it. The survey, conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of SunTrust Bank, also showed that 60 percent of those surveyed said they would spend more time with friends and family if they didn’t have to worry about buying or making gifts. Which isn’t to say that people just want to spend less. The survey found 25 percent said they would use that money on activities with friends and family. Conversely, 37 percent said they would pay down debt and 47 percent would choose to save that money or invest it.

7am – A         INTERVIEW – CLIFF MAY – president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies

  • The UN / Jerusalem vote / Cliff May thinks Nikki Haley is great; Cliff was friends with Reagan’s former UN Amb. Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Cliff puts Haley in Kirkpatrick’s category
  • The pushback that Politico is getting for its bombshell story on the DEA’s efforts to block Hezbollah in Latin America. Iran Deal supporters are saying the Politico story is an Obama hit job; Cliff says the story is absolutely spot on.

7am – B         The death of the Christmas card

7am – C         Ring in 2018 with WMAL at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner! Join WMAL’s Chris Plante, Larry O’Connor, Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese at the WMAL New Year’s Eve all-inclusive gala!

7am – D         CONGRESS NEWS:

  • Senate passes stopgap spending bill, allowing Congress to avert partial government shutdown. Congress passed a stopgap spending bill Thursday, averting a partial government shutdown at midnight Friday but pushing into January showdowns on spending, immigration, health care and national security. Among the issues still to be resolved is federal aid for victims of recent hurricanes and wildfires. The House on Thursday passed a separate $81 billion disaster relief bill, but the Senate did not immediately take it up amid Democratic objections.
  • White House: Trump will likely sign tax bill Friday. Trump will likely sign the Republican tax overhaul on Friday, according to a White House official. “There’s a very good chance the president signs it tomorrow,” said the official. The measure was the most extensive rewrite of the tax code in at least a generation and its passage Wednesday marked the first major legislative achievement for Trump and the GOP.  White House officials said the president might wait until the new year if Congress did not approve a provision waiving automatic spending cuts as part of a government funding bill to prevent a shutdown. But a waiver of the pay-as-you-go budgetary rules was included in the funding bill, which lawmakers are expected to send to the president’s desk late Thursday or early Friday. Under the law, automatic cuts to Medicare and other programs would have been triggered in January because the tax bill is projected to increase the budget deficit by $1.5 trillion over 10 years.  Waiting until early 2018 to sign the tax bill would have staved off the cuts until 2019.
  • Dems take heat over failure to secure DACA fix this year. Democratic leaders in Congress are facing criticism from progressive groups for failing to secure legislative protections for young undocumented immigrants in the year-end stopgap spending bill.

7am – E         INTERVIEW – LARRY MICHAEL – Voice of the Redskins – Redskins vs Broncos – Sunday 12/24 @ 1 pm

8am – A         INTERVIEW – MICHAEL FOLEY – author of new book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity: Why It’s True, Why It Matters, and why It’s Good for You”

  • Foley refutes the misconceptions that Christianity is anti-science, anti-equality, and anti-human progress.
  • The new book The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Christianity: Why It’s True, Why It Matters, and Why It’s Good for You reveals why it is time to break away from the tyranny of political correctness and embrace the transcendent—and revolutionary—teachings of the Bible.

8am – B         UN VOTE / NIKKI HALEY:

  • UN chastises Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital
  • Nikki Haley threatens to pull UN funding over Jerusalem vote. Nikki Haley puts UN in its place once-and-for-all after it declares US recognition of Jerusalem ‘null and void’
  • 128 Countries Call Trump’s Jerusalem Decision ‘Null And Void’ As Nikki Haley Threatens To Cut UN Aid
  • Nikki Haley invites countries who supported US in UN Israel vote to reception
  • Jake Tapper Eviscerates Un Over Condemnation Of Israeli Embassy Move To Jerusalem

8am – C         Ring in 2018 with WMAL at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner! Join WMAL’s Chris Plante, Larry O’Connor, Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese at the WMAL New Year’s Eve all-inclusive gala

8am – D         Why Cardi B doesn’t buy gifts for adults — “I’m not giving NO ADULTS NO Christmas gift” with three fuming emojis. “Once you start making money everybody wants you to be their kids’ godmother or something.”

8am – E         RESIGNATIONS:

  • Papa John’s founder exiting as CEO weeks after NFL comments
  • Eric Schmidt is stepping down as chairman of Google’s parent company
  • Raul Castro stepping down as Cuba’s president in April



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