Larry O’Connor penned an opinion piece at The Washington Times. An excerpt of his latest article, Dem Senators Regret Calling For Franken’s Resignation, is below:
How precious is this?
Politico is reporting that many Democrat Senators who called for the resignation of alleged serial groper Al Frankenare now having second thoughts over their public preening and virtue signaling [
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), who issued a statement calling for Franken’s resignation, has since told him privately that he regrets doing so, according to two people familiar with the conversation. Leahy declined to comment.
“I think we acted prematurely, before we had all the facts,” said a third senator who has also called for the resignation, and has since expressed regret directly to Franken. “In retrospect, I think we acted too fast.” The senator asked not to be named because of the political sensitivity of the issue among Democrats.
Two of the senators who issued resignation calls told POLITICO they felt rushed to weigh in, as they were focused on hearings and other meetings and pressure on Franken mounted. In retrospect they said they signed off on statements without the appropriate care and thought [Read More]
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