LISTEN: STEVEN ALBERTSON of Virginia’s GOP Committee Breaks Down the Latest News Surrounding the Elections in Virginia

Listen as Larry spoke with Steven Albertson, member of the Virginia GOP committee, about the lawsuits following the elections in Virginia.

Federal judge rejects Democrats’ request to block certification of Va. races but leaves door open for new election

A federal judge refused Wednesday to issue a temporary restraining order to stop Virginia’s board of elections from certifying the results in two House of Delegates races in which more than 300 voters were apparently assigned to the wrong races.

It is unclear how many of those voters cast ballots on Nov. 7.

The ruling was a setback for Democrats, whose hopes for taking control of the chamber could rest on one of the two seats. “The job of the board is to certify the count,” Judge T.S. Ellis III of U.S. District Court in Alexandria said in a hearing conducted by telephone. “Let the state process run its course.” [Read More]

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