LISTEN: Judicial Watch President TOM FITTON Reveals 40,000 Pages of Hillary Clinton’s Emails Haven’t Been Released by the State Department

Listen as Larry spoke with Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, about the State Department delay in processing Hillary Clinton’s emails.

State Dept Admits There are 40,000 Pages of Clinton Emails They Haven’t Even Looked At (

So far, the State Department has processed more than 32,000 pages of Hillary Clinton‘s emails as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch. At a recent court hearing, however, the Department acknowledged that this isn’t even half of the total number of records that they have to release. According to a press release from the organization, the State Department admitted in federal court that they still have 40,000 pages of emails that they still have to go through.

“Secretary Tillerson should be asked why his State Department is still sitting on a motherlode of Clinton emails,” Judicial Watch PresidentTom Fitton said in a statement. “It is disheartening that an administration elected to ‘drain the swamp’ is stalling the release of documents to protect Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration.”

The State Department, for their part, said that they are dedicating additional resources to reviewing the documents, which are stored on 7 FBI discs. Judge James E. Boasberg scheduled another hearing for November 30, at which point the State Department is ordered to explain how these added resources will impact the progress of processing these emails. [Read More]

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