Anne Arundel County Police Find Bodies of Three Homicide Victims Killed By A Gang

Heather Curtis


WASHINGTON (WMAL) — They can’t give details, but Anne Arundel County Police said at a press conference Friday afternoon that they have found the bodies of three homicide victims.

Police Chief Timothy Altomare said the murders are gang related but would not say which gang they believe is behind them. Multiple suspects have been arrested.

“Today may be an exercise in frustration for a couple of you out here today because I’m going to be very limited in what I’m able to say,” Altomare told reporters.

He said he could not give any specifics without endangering people’s lives. The information that can’t be shared at this point includes where the bodies were found, who the victims are or when they believe the people were killed.

Federal, state, local and city governments are working together to keep people safe, Altomare said before making an emotional plea to residents.

“If you’re in fear. If you think a gang wants to hurt you, I’m begging you to come and talk to us. Your lives matter to us,” Altomare said.

He added it’s his department’s job to keep people safe, and that’s something they take very seriously. He promised his department would “move heaven and earth” to help anyone who is in danger, regardless of immigration status.

“We won’t desert ya, and we’ll be there for you. That’s my word as your chief of police,” Altomare vowed.

The department is making headway in its investigation, and more arrests will be made according to Altmare.

The department’s gang tip line is 410-222-4700.

The full press conference can be viewed below:

Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved. (Photo / Video: Anne Arundel County Police Via Facebook)

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