Mornings on the Mall 10.05.17

Mallory Quigley, Rep. Mike Rogers, Joe Concha and Chuck Ross joined WMAL on Thursday!

Mornings on the Mall

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hosts: Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese

Executive Producer: Heather Hunter

5am – A/B/C   Wynn Hotel adds metal detectors at its entrances as debate rages about whether hotels should be fitted with airport-style security. (Daily Mail) –

In the wake of the horrifying Las Vegas mass shooting that claimed the lives of 58 people and injured more than 500 others, the Wynn Hotel has heightened its security measures.  Just days after Stephen Paddock, 64, opened fire on concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest Festival, photos made their rounds on social media showing security guards with handheld metal detectors at the entrance of the Wynn Las Vegas.  The increased security measure has been a topic for discussion among casino operators since Paddock shot concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, a hotel complex owned by MGM Resorts International.


  • Las Vegas massacre: A timeline
  • Las Vegas sheriff: gunman planned to survive and may have had help
  • Police revise down Las Vegas deaths to 59 including the gunman and injuries to 489, of which 317 have been discharged from hospital.
  • Vegas killer’s girlfriend: He was ‘a kind, quiet caring man’
  • Las Vegas Strip shooter targeted aviation fuel tanks, source says
  • Man injured in Las Vegas shooting stands to meet Trump despite injuries
  • Marine who stole truck to save Las Vegas shooting victims gets message from its owner
  • Amid Talk of Banning Bump Stocks for Guns, Retailers Are Selling Out of the Devices
  • Cornyn tells reporters he thinks Congress should look into bump stocks once the investigation into the Vegas shooting is complete.

6am – A/B     Trump says he has ‘total confidence’ in Tillerson after ‘moron’ report. President Donald Trump said Wednesday he is “very honored” by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s statement condemning an NBC News report, adding that he has “total confidence” in his top diplomat. “Yeah, I’m very honored by his comments,” Trump said. “Total confidence in Rex. I have total confidence.”  In a rare news conference at the State Department, Tillerson denied a large portion of NBC’s reporting, which alleged that he had threatened to resign over the summer and called the president a “moron.” Tillerson insisted that Vice President Mike Pence “never had to persuade me to remain as secretary of state because I have never considered leaving this post.” He wouldn’t say whether he had called the president a “moron,” but State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert later told reporters that her boss “does not use that type of language” — not toward the president or anyone, she said. “It was fake news. It was a totally phony story,” Trump said of the report. “It was made up. It was made up by NBC. They just made it up.”

6am – C         Senator Graham to Introduce 20-Week Abortion Ban in the Senate. South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham will introduce the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which bars abortion after 20 weeks, on the Senate floor Thursday morning. The House version of the bill passed Wednesday afternoon 237-189 with two Democrats voting in favor of the legislation.

6am – D/E/F  New polling nightmare: Trump supporters “won’t say it out loud” (Washington Examiner) — The maligned polling industry is running into a new problem after blowing the 2016 presidential election: President Trump’s supporters are keeping their feelings to themselves. At Rasmussen Reports, which was the most accurate 2016 pollster, questions on Trump often see a spike in those who check “don’t know.” Francis Coombs, Rasmussen managing editor, said, “In most surveys, you generally get 4 or 5 percent who say they are undecided, but if you ask about a controversial issue, particularly one involving Trump, that figure often jumps to the high teens — 17 percent or 18 percent. That tells me that a lot of those people agree with the president but just aren’t going to say it out loud.”

7am – A         INTERVIEW — MALLORY QUIGLEY – Spokesperson, Susan B Anthony List. SBA List exists to pass laws that protect unborn children and their mothers from abortion. MALLORY will be speaking at Graham’s press conference today introducing the bill.

  • Senator Graham to Introduce 20-Week Abortion Ban in the Senate

7am – B/C     Vegas Update

7am – D         INTERVIEW — REP. MIKE ROGERS – former Michigan congressman, former head of the House Intelligence Committee AND host of the CNN show “Declassified”

  • Hill Russia investigators: Committee still searching for ‘any hint of collusion’  (CNN)Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr said Wednesday that the panel “has more work to do” to determine whether there was collusion between Russian officials and Donald Trump’s team during last year’s presidential election.
  • COMMITTEE SAYS NO FINDING OF COLLUSION SO FAR. Sen. Richard Burr (R., N.C.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Wednesday that his committee has so far found no evidence of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

7am – E         San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz wears “nasty” shirt during TV interview. San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz has made a sartortial statement against President Trump by wearing a t-shirt with “nasty” emblazoned on it days after he used the word to describe her behavior towards him. Cruz donned the black shirt during an interview with Spanish language television network Univision on Tuesday, ratcheting up tensions with the president as the pair weather the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico that has unfolded in the wake of Hurricane Maria. On Saturday, Trump lashed out at Cruz, who has been mayor of the capital of Puerto Rico since 2013, after she said the Trump administration hadn’t done enough to help the hurricane-ravaged U.S. island territory. “The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump,” Trump tweeted Saturday morning about Cruz.

8am – A         INTERVIEW – JOE CONCHA – The Hill

  • NBC insists Tillerson called Trump a moron despite Tillerson and President blasting report
  • CNN calls Kimmel ‘America’s conscience’,
  • Journos were obsessed with Trump throwing paper towels and
  • Vegas coverage
  • Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump 1h1 hour ago: Why Isn’t the Senate Intel Committee looking into the Fake News Networks in OUR country to see why so much of our news is just made up-FAKE!

8am – B         Arrested drunk man claims he time traveled to warn of aliens.

CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — Police say a central Wyoming man they arrested for public intoxication claimed he had traveled back in time to warn of an alien invasion. Casper police say the man they encountered at 10:30 p.m. Monday claimed he was from the year 2048. KTWO-AM in Casper reports that the man told police that he wanted to warn the people of Casper that aliens will arrive next year, and that they should leave as soon as possible.  He asked to speak to the president of the town, about 170 miles (270 kilometers) northwest of Cheyenne. The man told police he was only able to time travel because aliens filled his body with alcohol. He noted that he was supposed to be transported to the year 2018, not this year.

8am – C         Monopoly Man photobombs Senate hearing on Equifax. The Monopoly Man made an appearance at the Senate Banking Committee hearing on the massive Equifax data breach. Wearing a top hat, monocle, and white mustache, the character sat directly behind former Equifax (EFX) CEO Richard Smith as he testified before the committee on Wednesday. The ruse was organized by progressive nonprofits Public Citizen and Americans for Financial Reform. The organizations want to raise awareness of Equifax’s forced arbitration clauses in their terms of service.

8am – D         INTERVIEW — CHUCK ROSS – Reporter, The Daily Caller

  • Hill Russia investigators: Committee still searching for ‘any hint of collusion’

8am – E         Trump, Sanders Supporters Join Together to Protest Clinton Book Tour Event. (Washington Free Beacon) – Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and President Donald Trump participated in a bipartisan protest of two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton outside of her book tour event in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. on Tuesday.Clinton spoke to more than 2,500 supporters at a sold-out event at the Broward  Center for the Performing Arts, where attendees paid $50 to $375 to see her promote her 2016 election book, What Happened, according to the Palm Beach Post.


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