Washington Post uses 3rd graders to attack Trump

What a world, what a world.  This weekend in the Washington Post Magazine, if you had looked, you’d have found a multi-page article of area 3rd graders saying mean things about Trump.  Kids say the darndest things, don’t they?  Imagine the home lives of kids who say stuff like this:

Mason Felice, Bellows Spring: I’m scared now that Donald Trump’s president, because ever since he was president a lot of bad things have been happening.

Devonte Holland, DC Scholars: I think that Hillary should’ve won because people are saying that Trump cheated in the election because they said he was working with Russia or ISIS or something.

Ranaia Robinson, Robert R. Gray: Hillary was supposed to win. I mean, she didn’t hate Mexicans. Donald Trump did. She was acting like a grown-up. But Donald Trump just, I can’t even say about him. He’s mean!

Makalynn Dunn, DC Scholars: I would vote for Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump doesn’t like black people and Hillary Clinton does.

Nick Salehizadeh, Georgetown Day: I think that if I could vote, I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I wouldn’t want to vote for Donald Trump because he’s orange.

Ruby Fox, Georgetown Day: So yesterday I went to essentially a black neighborhood where there’s a lot of black families and people, and when I went into the neighborhood there were a lot of poor conditions, like the houses were all run-down and so were the cars, the shops weren’t that well made and everything was falling apart. And I asked my mother why does this happen, and she said because there are still racists and they’re still judging people by the color of their skin, and personally I thought that was gone when MLK died, but it’s still happening.

There’s plenty more in the Newsbusters link above, and still MORE in the Post Magazine piece itself.  It’s like the inverse opposite of this old video isn’t it?


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