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Former Carroll County ‘Teacher of The Year’ Arrested in Child Sex Sting Operation


Wyn Delano


CARROLL COUNTY, MD — (WMAL) A 39-year-old former Carroll County Middle School “Teacher of the Year”  has been arrested for four counts of Solicitation of a Minor on warrants from Fairfax County.

The teacher, Dr. Kenneth Fischer, was suspended from the district without pay and the school is making a “recommendation of termination” to the Board of Education.

Fischer was caught in a sting operation conducted with the help of the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce.

A detective posing as a 14-year-old boy, was contacted by a Fischer through a cell phone application that acts very much like an online chatroom. Fischer then initiated a conversation with the detective and soon after, solicited for sexual contact.

He also sent sexually explicit images, presumably of himself, to the detective.

Through the subsequent investigation police became aware of other possible victims in Northern Virginia and Maryland.

However, according to Fairfax County Police Spokesman Don Gotthardt, they could not reveal any more information about those other possible victims without “compromising the investigation.”

Police are asking for the public’s help in finding Fischer’s other victims; as well as asking parents to talk to their children and report any suspicious contact outside the school setting with Fischer.

Fischer is in custody in Maryland, pending his extradition hearing.

Anyone with information about Fischer is asked to contact the Major Crimes Bureau, Child Exploitation Unit at 703-246-7800, or the Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.  You can also submit a tip anonymously through Crime Solvers electronically by visiting www.fairfaxcrimesolvers.org or text-a-tip by texting “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES(274637).

Anonymous Tipsters are eligible for cash rewards of $100-$1,000 if their information leads to an arrest.

Copyright 2017 WMAL.com All Rights Reserved. (Photo: Carroll County Detention Center)

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