LISTEN: CAL THOMAS joins Mornings on the Mall to discuss Obamacare

CAL THOMAS – Syndicated columnist

TOPIC: Obamacare

  • President Trump needs to stop dealing with feckless members of Congress who care more about their own careers than they do the people they are supposed to be serving.
  • Republicans, especially, voted seven times — That’s SEVEN TIMES — to repeal Obamacare when its author was President. That appears to have been done, not because they believed the president would actually sign a bill overturning his signature achievement, but because Republicans wanted to tell their supporters they did what they could. Now that a Republican is in the White House and repeal would be certain, too many Republicans have shown they really don’t want to repeal Obamacare because they fear retribution from voters who feel entitled to its benefits.
  • The President should deliver a national address summarizing the problem and saying that since Congress refuses to fix it, he will, by summoning the best minds from the private sector to develop a health insurance plan that will benefit the most Americans and then demanding that Congress pass it. If they still refuse, he should make it a campaign issue next year and run against those Republicans who don’t have the courage to do what they did seven times before when it didn’t matter. Why does anyone think government can do anything better than the private sector? We can’t even win wars anymore.

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