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President Trump’s First Post-Comey Tweet Nearly Sets A Record

WASHINGTON — (WMAL) The drought is over.

Since becoming a presidential candidate, according to data compiled by the Washington Post, the longest period Donald Trump had gone between tweets is 2,756 minutes – or just short of 46 hours – over Thanksgiving break of 2016.

That record was set to be broken at 6:13 Friday morning, but in dramatic Trump fashion, the Chief Executive, coincidentally or not, managed to beat the buzzer with this missive filed at 6:10 am ET.

The world eagerly kept an eye on the President’s Twitter feed on Thursday during former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony on Capitol Hill, to see if Mr. Trump might be tempted to weigh in on the hearing, but the President held his Twitter tongue amid reports that he was sitting with his attorney while watching the proceedings.

This morning’s missive resets the clock. The new record – if there is one – would be on Sunday morning at 4:06 am.

Stay tuned… or at least, keep your Twitter tab open.

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