LISTEN: Circa’s Senior Correspondent SARA CARTER Exposes Obama & Comey’s Unwarranted Surveillance

Listen as Larry spoke with Sara Carter, Senior Correspondent for Circa, regarding her latest article, Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties.

During the interview, Carter explained how the FBI illegally shred spy data:

O’Connor: Let’s take with us the later first, today’s story, Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties, you just sort of disclosed how you got it. This is not some sort of anonomyus leaks that you’re getting from the intelligence community, right? Where are you getting this information?

Carter: That is correct. Although we do have sources out there who are anonymous for reasons which you and your listeners may understand, threats to their jobs, threats to their livelihood and because I can’t disclose classified information, the thing we needed to do was actually find documentation. And we were able to locate these through these declassified documents that came from [inaudible] court and basically [inaudible] request and such. And this in particular, this document which is so important wasn’t something from years ago. This document which was redacted from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was just one of the most damning documents we’ve seen of the FBI and their use of warrantless, let me repeat that again, its warrantless data, spy data. So that means that they did not get a warrant. This is information collected without a warrant that they were supposed to be extremely careful with in which they had promised, and even Director Comey had stated this during his hearing, was lawfully used and viewed in the correct manner. And what we discovered through these documents was that that was false.

An excerpt of her Circa article is below:

The FBI has illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents that undercut the bureau’s public assurances about how carefully it handles warrantless spy data to avoid abuses or leaks. [Read More]

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