Rosenstein Knew Comey was Going to be Fired

WASHINGTON — (AP) Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has told senators that he knew FBI Director James Comey was going to be fired even before he wrote a memo that provided a basis for Comey’s dismissal.

That’s according to Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. She addressed reporters after a closed-door meeting where Rosenstein briefed senators.

The White House pointed to Rosenstein’s memo last week as justification for Trump’s abrupt decision to dismiss Comey. In the memo Rosenstein criticized Comey’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

But Trump himself has already said that he was going to fire Comey regardless – and the revelation from McCaskill appeared to bolster that version of events.

McCaskill said: “He did acknowledge that he learned Comey would be removed prior to him writing his memo.”

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