Rep. Chaffetz Resigns from Congress

WASHINGTON — (AP) Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz says he will resign from Congress on June 30, raising questions about the probe of President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia.

The Republican said in a letter Thursday to his constituents that he and his wife have agreed “the time has come for us to move on from this part of our life.”

The statement does not mention the investigation he’s overseeing as the U.S. House Oversight Committee’s chair into President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey.

The letter also doesn’t mention Chaffetz’s future plans, including a possible run for Utah governor.

Chaffetz says the reality of having spent more than 1,500 nights away from his family over eight years has hit him harder than before.

He says he and his wife will be empty nesters soon and it seems like time to turn a page.

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