Car Drives Into Pedestrians in Times Square, 1 Teen Dead

(CNN) — An 18-year-old woman has died after a car hit pedestrians in Times Square.

The motor vehicle incident in Manhattan’s bustling Times Square Thursday has left at least 23 people injured as well.

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The man who was driving. 26-year-old Richard Rojas of the Bronx, tested negative for alcohol. He has been arrested for drunk driving twice before.

Two law enforcement officials say Rojas told officers he was hearing voices and expected to die.

The incident, which unfolded just before noon, is being investigated as an accident, a police official said.

There is no indication it was an act of terrorism, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and other city leaders said.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is on his way to the scene, according to his official Twitter account.

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