LISTEN: JOE DIGENOVA on DOJ Letting Go 46 U.S. Attorneys: It was Perfectly Legal And Proper

INTERVIEW – JOE DIGENOVA — legal analyst and former U.S. Attorney to the District of Columbia

  • Justice Dept. tells remaining U.S. attorneys from Obama administration to resign, a practice common in transitions. The Justice Department announced Friday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked all 46 remaining Obama administration U.S. attorneys to resign. “As was the case in prior transitions, many of the United States attorneys nominated by the previous administration already have left the Department of Justice,” said Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores in a statement. Flores said that until new U.S. attorneys are confirmed, the career prosecutors in the nation’s 94 U.S. attorneys’ offices will investigate and prosecute cases.
  • Intel panel calls for wiretap evidence by Monday. (The Hill) — House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and ranking member Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) have asked the White House to offer by Monday any evidence showing Trump Tower was wiretapped. A congressional aide confirmed to The Hill that Schiff and Nunes made the request in a letter to the White House. The letter was first reported by The Associated Press. Trump has kept his distance from the press since last weekend, when he accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower before the November election.

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