Trump and Sprint Announce 5,000 U.S. Jobs


By Heather Long

WASHINGTON — (CNN) President-elect Donald Trump is claiming another victory: Sprint will bring back 5,000 jobs to the U.S.

“They’re taking them from other countries. They’re bringing them back to the United States,” Trump told the press Wednesday outside one of his Florida resorts. The announcement comes only a month after Trump helped get Carrier to keep 800 jobs in Indiana.

Sprint confirmed the news in a statement saying the telecom company would “create or bring back to America” 5,000 jobs.

“We are excited to work with President-Elect Trump and his administration to do our part to drive economic growth and create jobs in the U.S.,” said Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure. He called it “critical” for business and government to work together.

Earlier this year, Sprint cut 2,500 jobs, mostly at its U.S. call centers, to cut costs.

On top of the Sprint jobs, Trump also celebrated that OneWeb, “a new company,” would hire 3,000 people. OneWeb confirmed the jobs to CNNMoney, and that the announcement was actually made last week. OneWeb is a Florida startup that aims to provide Internet access from small satellites orbiting the Earth.

Trump campaigned on saving U.S. jobs and jump starting the economy. “Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences,” Trump said when he visited Carrier on December 1. “We’re losing so much.”

The president-elect went out of his way again Wednesday to praise Masayoshi “Masa” Son, the CEO of SoftBank, who promised to create 50,000 jobs in the U.S. and invest billions. Trump claimed credit at the time for the investment promise, tweeting: “Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election!”

SoftBank owns Sprint and and is an investor in OneWeb.

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