WATCH: Conservative CNN Panelists Clash, Get Personal Over Trump


NEW YORK — (CNN) A panel of commentators clashed Wednesday night on CNN’s “AC360,” as they argued over sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump and his latest poll numbers.

“I want to apologize to you for being a millennial,” Kayleigh McEnany, a Trump supporter, said. “I know millennials aren’t allowed to have opinions in this day and age.”

But Ana Navarro, a Republican who does not support Trump, hit back: “Oh, let me play my old, ancient Stradivarius for you.”

In another rancorous moment in the discussion, moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper, conservative commentator Amanda Carpenter — who does not support Trump — also attacked McEnany for touting her Harvard law degree.

“You memorize the polls before you come in here every night, and you bring these up,” said Carpenter.

“Because I went to Harvard Law School, and I believe in numbers and facts,” shot back McEnany.

“How many years did you spend at Harvard?” asked Carpenter. “Did you go there all three years?”

“I have a law degree from Harvard,” replied McEnany. “I am not going to get into personal attacks right now.”

Carpenter knocked McEnany for elitism saying she was guilty of what “Donald Trump says the media does.”

Even earlier in the exchange, Navarro also seemed to take a shot at Trump’s physical appearance.

“My problem is that if I think the president is the lowest form of life, if I think he is an orange amoeba, I cannot get to discuss policy because I am stuck down there at the fact that he is not fit to be president,” she said.

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