CNN Poll of Polls: Clinton Leads Trump By Eight Points


By Caroline Kenny

WASHINGTON — (CNN) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is leading her Republican rival Donald Trump by eight points among likely voters, according to the most recent CNN Poll of Polls, released Monday.

The poll average shows Clinton has 47% of support from likely voters, Trump at 39% support, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson with 7% and Green Party nominee Jill Stein getting 2%.

The Poll of Polls averages result from the four most recent publicly-released national polls that meets CNN’s standards for publication. All of the polls included the four-way match-ups with the third party candidates. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

All four of the polls were taken after release on October 7 of a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape showing Donald Trump making lewd comments about women. Since then many Republican elected officials have rescinded their support for the GOP nominee, and several women have come forward accusing Trump of unwanted sexual advances.

Trump has been making campaign stops in battleground Florida and North Carolina in recent days and travels to Wisconsin and Colorado this week, while Clinton continues to do debate preparation. Both candidates will face off Wednesday in Las Vegas at the third and final presidential debate.

The Poll of Polls includes: The NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted October 10-13; the Washington Post/ABC News Poll conducted October 10-13, the Fox News Poll conducted October 10-12 and the G.W. Battleground Poll conducted October 8-13.

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