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More reasons to fact-check the fact-checkers

When you hear something outrageous online, or in your day to day lives, where do you go to see if it’s accurate?


For years the answer, online at least, has been to check Snopes.com, a website that is supposed to be a hard line fact based organization, made to determine truth from fiction.


However, over the years, it’s become less accurate, and the reason is politics.

Here’s one example


And here’s a more recent one, from just this weekend!

CLAIM: Hillary Clinton called millennial supporters of Bernie Sanders “basement dwellers.”


WHAT’S TRUE: Hillary Clinton said that many millennial voters who found appeal in Bernie Sanders’ campaign are living in their parents’ basements due to their being unable to find adequate jobs in the current market.

WHAT’S FALSE: Clinton did not call millennial Sanders supporters “basement dwellers.”

So if you’re following, the claim is she called them ‘Basement dwellers’.  She said they live in their parents’ basement.  So that’s false because she didn’t use the WORDS.

Chris Plante reminds you, always fact check your fact checks


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