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LISTEN: Health Care Expert BRIAN BLASE on ObamaCare Collapse: Three of The Major Insurance Companies Have Pulled Out Of The Exchanges

INTERVIEW — BRIAN BLASE — Senior Research Fellow of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University

  • BIO: Brian Blase is a Senior Research Fellow focusing on health care policy with the Spending and Budget Initiative at the Mercatus Center. Previously, Brian was with the Senate Republican Policy Committee where he served as a health care policy analyst, and before that worked as senior professional staffer for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  Brian received his Ph.D. from GMU in 2013 in economics, with his dissertation on Medicaid.
  • Obamacare Website No Longer Addresses ‘You Can Keep Your Doctor’
  • Fail: Expert Says Obamacare Might Be on the Brink of Total Collapse. Remember Bob Laszewski? He’s the health insurance industry expert whose generally accurate and prescient criticisms of Obamacare over the span of several years have largely been vindicated by events. He’s been watching the steady departure of insurers from the law’s failing exchanges (here’s the latest example) with increasing concern, warning that the entire system risks implosion within the next year if the current trajectory isn’t significantly altered.

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